Bala Malladi

Postdoc at Materials and manufacture

Bala is a PhD student working in the field of Additive Manufacturing, specifically on the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) of metallic materials. LPBF offers several advantages when compared to the traditional manufacturing techniques. His work mainly focuses on the LPBF of High Entropy Alloys (HEA)

Main research focus : Additive Manufacturing, specifically Selective Laser Melting (SLM) of High Entropy Alloys

Image of Bala Malladi

Showing 11 publications


Powder bed fusion electron beam of an oxygen-compatible β-Ti–35.5Nb–2Ta–3Zr alloy: Feasibility and material evaluation

Silja Katharina Rittinghaus, Bala Malladi, Marcus Willi Rackel et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 5 (1)
Journal article

Additive Manufacturing of Interstitial Nitrogen-Strengthened CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy

Bala Malladi, Dmitri Riabov, Sheng Guo et al
Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 26 (16)
Journal article

In situ imaging of precipitate formation in additively manufactured al-alloys by scanning X-ray fluorescence

Isac Lazar, Bharat Mehta, Vendulka Bertschová et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Effect Of Laser Process Parameters On Non-Equiatomic Cocrfenimoxaly Heas Manufactured By PBF-LB/M Via In-Situ Alloying

S. Venkatesh Kumaran, Bala Malladi, Eduard Hryha et al
Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023 Congress and Exhibition, PM 2023
Paper in proceeding

Current Challenges Of Precision Manufacturing Through Powder Bed Fusion -Laser Beam

Anok Babu Nagaram, Bala Malladi, Lars Nyborg et al
Advances in Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy
Paper in proceeding

Influence of iron nanopowder addition on the densification of chromium-prealloyed water-atomised powder metallurgy steel admixed with nickel

Swathi Kiranmayee Manchili, Bala Malladi, M. Vattur Sundaram et al
Powder Metallurgy. Vol. 66 (4), p. 309-315
Journal article

Corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured 316L and CoCrNi

Bala Malladi, Eric Tam, Yu Cao et al
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 55 (6-7), p. 404-410
Journal article

Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of dispersion strengthened CoCrNi by ex-situ addition of TiN

Sri Bala Aditya Malladi, Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Sheng Guo et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 111, p. 368-372
Paper in proceeding

Grain refinement in additively manufactured ferritic stainless steel by in situ inoculation using pre-alloyed powder

A. Durga, N. Pettersson, Sri Bala Aditya Malladi et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 194
Journal article

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