Mariliis Lehtveer

Showing 22 publications


Modeling of a “Hydrogen Valley” to investigate the impact of a regional pipeline for hydrogen supply

Sofia Rosén, Lisa Göransson, Maria Taljegård et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 12
Journal article

Actuating the European Energy System Transition: Indicators for Translating Energy Systems Modelling Results into Policy-Making

Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson, Verena Heinisch et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 9
Journal article

Techno-economic review of alternative fuels and propulsion systems for the aviation sector

Karna Dahal, Selma Brynolf, Carlos Xisto et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 151
Review article

The Potential Role of Ammonia as Marine Fuel-Based on Energy Systems Modeling and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Julia Hansson, Selma Brynolf, Erik Fridell et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (8)
Journal article

Reviewing the development of alternative aviation fuels and aircraft propulsion systems

Karna Dahal, Selma Brynolf, Maria Grahn et al
Other conference contribution

The role of negative carbon emissions in reaching the Paris climate targets: The impact of target formulation in integrated assessment models

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar, Mariliis Lehtveer et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 15 (12)
Journal article

The benefit of collaboration in the North European electricity system transition - System and sector perspectives

Lisa Göransson, Mariliis Lehtveer, Emil Nyholm et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (24)
Journal article

What Future for Electrofuels in Transport? Analysis of Cost Competitiveness in Global Climate Mitigation

Mariliis Lehtveer, Selma Brynolf, Maria Grahn
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 53 (3), p. 1690-1697
Journal article

Biomass in the electricity system: A complement to variable renewables or a source of negative emissions?

Viktor Johansson, Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson
Energy. Vol. 168, p. 532-541
Journal article


Mariliis Lehtveer, Selma Brynolf, Maria Grahn
Other conference contribution

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS): Global potential, investment preferences, and deployment barriers

Mathias Fridahl, Mariliis Lehtveer
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 42, p. 155-165
Journal article

Using resource based slicing to capture the intermittency of variable renewables in energy system models

Mariliis Lehtveer, Niclas Mattsson, Fredrik Hedenus
Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 18, p. 73-84
Journal article

Estonian energy supply strategy assessment for 2035 and its vulnerability to climate driven shocks

Mariliis Lehtveer, M. Pelakauskas, C. Ipbuker et al
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy. Vol. 35 (2), p. 469-478
Journal article

Using Resource Based Slicing to Capture the Intermittency of Variable Renewables

Mariliis Lehtveer, Niclas Mattsson, Fredrik Hedenus et al

How much can nuclear power reduce climate mitigation cost? – Critical parameters and sensitivity

Mariliis Lehtveer, Fredrik Hedenus
Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 6, p. 12-19
Journal article

Nuclear power as a climate mitigation strategy - technology and proliferation risk

Mariliis Lehtveer, Fredrik Hedenus
Journal of Risk Research. Vol. 18 (3), p. 273-290
Journal article

Multi-criteria analysis of nuclear power in the global energy system: Assessing trade-offs between simultaneously attainable economic, environmental and social goals

Mariliis Lehtveer, Marek Makowski, Fredrik Hedenus et al
Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 8, p. 45-55
Journal article

Vi kan klara klimatmål utan kärnkraft

Mariliis Lehtveer, Fredrik Hedenus
Svenska Dagbladet
Magazine article

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Showing 2 research projects


Activities within techno-economic analysis of electricity systems, part 2

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology 2
Mariliis Lehtveer Energy Technology 2


Sustainable aviation fuels for a carbon constrained world

Tomas Grönstedt Fluid Dynamics
Anders Forslund Product Development
Mariliis Lehtveer Energy Technology 2
Selma Brynolf Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Grahn Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists
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