Mattias Liefvendahl
Showing 15 publications
Wall-Modeled LES for Ship Hydrodynamics in Model Scale
Simulation-based investigation of foil-turbulence interaction noise
Simulation-Based Analysis of Flow-Generated Noise from Cylinders with Different Cross-Sections
Modelling of ships as a source of underwater noise
Modeling of ships as a source of underwater noise
Estimates of source spectra of ships from long term recordings in the Baltic sea
Simulation-Based Analysis of Hull-Propeller Interaction for a Single-Screw Transport Ship
Large Eddy Simulation of High Re Number Partially Separated Flow
Large Eddy Simulation of Cavitating Propeller Flows
Implicit and Explicit Subgrid Modeling in LES Applied to a Marine Propeller
Large Eddy Simulations for Marine Flows
A Comparative Study of RANS, DES and LES
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