Elke Miedema
Showing 17 publications
Patients' Health & Well-Being in Inpatient Mental Health-Care Facilities: A Systematic Review
The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment
Active Care - Building Design for Habilitation Centers
Scoping review of health in office design approaches
Exploring diffrent design spaces - VR as a tool during building design
Health promotion and the built environment - views from Swedish healthcare organisations
Health promotive ambitions related to building design – the case of Angered Nearby Hospital
Engaging stakeholders in Complex Design by using of Symbiosis in Development method.
Healthcare architecture for health and well-being From hospital to neighbourhood care (PROARCH)
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Showing 3 research projects
Energieffektivitet och kulturvärden i bostäder. Hur väl fungerar styrmedlen på lokal nivå?
Furbish Sustainable Hospitals (FSH)