Elke Miedema

Showing 17 publications


Relationship between the design characteristics of activity-based flexible offices and users’ perceptions of privacy and social interactions

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
Building Research and Information. Vol. 51 (5), p. 588-604
Journal article

Patients' Health & Well-Being in Inpatient Mental Health-Care Facilities: A Systematic Review

Clara Weber, Virna Monero Flores, Theresa Wheele et al
Frontiers in Psychiatry. Vol. 12
Review article

The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
Health Promotion International. Vol. 37 (1), p. 1-11
Journal article

London's King's Cross redevelopment: a compact, resource efficient and 'liveable' global city model for an era of climate emergency?

Marco Adelfio, Iqbal Hamiduddin, Elke Miedema
Urban Research and Practice. Vol. 14 (2), p. 180-200
Journal article

How Does Office Design Support Employees’ Health? A Case Study on the Relationships among Employees’ Perceptions of the Office Environment, Their Sense of Coherence and Office Design

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 18 (18)
Journal article

Active Care - Building Design for Habilitation Centers

Oana Dumitrache, Elke Miedema, C. C. Dobre
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (3)
Paper in proceeding

Scoping review of health in office design approaches

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Vol. 22 (2), p. 155-180
Review article

Exploring diffrent design spaces - VR as a tool during building design

Mattias Roupé, Mikael Johansson, Elke Miedema et al
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2019) - Enabling digital technologies to sustain construction growth and efficiency. Vol. 19, p. 94-102
Paper in proceeding

Conceptualizing health promotion in relation to outpatient healthcare building design: a Scoping review

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
HERD. Vol. 12 (1), p. 69-86
Review article

Health promotion and the built environment - views from Swedish healthcare organisations

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
ARCH19 - BUILDING for BETTER HEALTH Book of abstracts
Paper in proceeding

Health promotive ambitions related to building design – the case of Angered Nearby Hospital

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Lena Marie Elf
ARCH 17 - 3rd international conference on architecture, research, care and health. Vol. 1 edition, p. 331-344
Paper in proceeding

On Being a PhD student at Chalmers

Elke Miedema

Engaging stakeholders in Complex Design by using of Symbiosis in Development method.

Elke Miedema
Design 4 Health Conference, July 13-16, 2015 Sheffield UK.
Conference poster

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Showing 3 research projects


Energieffektivitet och kulturvärden i bostäder. Hur väl fungerar styrmedlen på lokal nivå?

Paula Femenias Building Design
Greta Faxberg Building Design
Elke Miedema Architectural theory and methods
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Furbish Sustainable Hospitals (FSH)

Ulrike Rahe Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Quan Jin Building Technology
Elke Miedema Architectural theory and methods
Swedish Energy Agency
Furbish AB
Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID)


Integrative Ways of Residing: Health and Quality of Residence Architectural Inventions for Dwelling, Ageing and Healthcaring AIDAH

Sten Gromark Building Design
Hanna Morichetto Building Design
Roger Ulrich Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
Elizabeth Marcheschi Building Design
Ola Nylander Building Design
Saga Karlsson Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Elke Miedema Building Design
Maria Berezecka Mårtensson Building Design
Peter Fröst Building Design
Inga Malmqvist Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Cecilia Pettersson Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management

13 publications exist
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