Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa
Francoise Noa is a researcher at the division of chemistry and biochemistry. She is currently working on synthesis and characterisation of metal-organic frameworks, covalent-organic frameworks and crystal engineering with emphasis on host-guest aspects and environmental applications. She is also specialised in structure determination by single crystal diffraction and is assisting Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory in this capacity.

Showing 26 publications
Photophysical Ion Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskite MAPbX3 (X=Br, Cl) Single Crystals
Tuning the topology of a 2D metal-organic framework from 2D to 3D using modulator assisted synthesis
Salt efflorescence on leather objects from the Vasa ship
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Chiral Lanthanum Metal-Organic Framework with Gated CO2 Sorption and Concerted Framework Flexibility
A unified topology approach to dot-, rod-, and sheet-MOFs
An improved water-harvesting cycle
Natural and synthetic metal oxalates-a topology approach
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Showing 2 research projects
Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) rapid detection