Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa

Visiting Researcher at Chemistry and Biochemistry

Francoise Noa is a researcher at the division of chemistry and biochemistry. She is currently working on synthesis and characterisation of metal-organic frameworks, covalent-organic frameworks and crystal engineering with emphasis on host-guest aspects and environmental applications. She is also specialised in structure determination by single crystal diffraction and is assisting Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory in this capacity.

Image of Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa

Showing 26 publications


Site Selective Boron Directed Ortho Benzylation of N-Aryl Amides: Access to Structurally Diversified Dibenzoazepines

Ganesh H. Shinde, Hugo Castlind, Ganesh S. Ghotekar et al
Organic Letters. Vol. 27 (1), p. 207-211
Journal article

Photophysical Ion Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskite MAPbX3 (X=Br, Cl) Single Crystals

Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Ola Kenji Forslund, Stephen P. Cottrell et al
Advanced Physics Research. Vol. 3 (3)
Journal article

Polymorphism of Bis(benzimidazole)bis(thiocyanato-N)cobalt(II) and Its Relevance to Studies of the Chief Color Test for Cocaine

Raychelle Marie Burks, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Lars Öhrström
Inorganics. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

A single site catalyst supported in mesoporous UiO-66 for catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to formate

Maureen Gumbo, Edward Ocansey, B. C. E. Makhubela et al
Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Vol. 8 (4), p. 777-788
Journal article

Clarifying the complex chemistry of cobalt(II) thiocyanate-based tests for cocaine using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques

Raychelle Marie Burks, Lars Öhrström, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa
Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 69 (1), p. 291-300
Journal article

The Open and Closed Forms of a Perfluoro Diarylethene Photoswitch─Halogen Bonding, Network Topology, and CSD Analysis

Lars Öhrström, Joakim Andreasson, Hao Li et al
Crystal Growth & Design. Vol. 24 (3), p. 923-931
Journal article

Tuning the topology of a 2D metal-organic framework from 2D to 3D using modulator assisted synthesis

Johannes Hungwe, Piwai Tshuma, Maureen Gumbo et al
CrystEngComm. Vol. 25 (10), p. 1486-1494
Journal article

Salt efflorescence on leather objects from the Vasa ship

Johanna Sandström, Helena Berg, Lars Öhrström et al
Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprint
Paper in proceeding

Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate

Zhejian Cao, Xiaozhi Fu, Hao Li et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 11 (43), p. 15506-15512
Journal article

Regioselective ortho halogenation of N-aryl amides and ureas via oxidative halodeboronation: harnessing boron reactivity for efficient C-halogen bond installation

Ganesh H. Shinde, Ganesh S. Ghotekar, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 14 (46), p. 13429-13436
Journal article

Exploring the impact of select anchor groups for norbornadiene/quadricyclane single-molecule switches

Shima Ghasemi, Luca Ornago, Zacharias Liasi et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 11 (44), p. 15379-15776
Journal article

Photochemical Access to Substituted β-Lactams and β-Lactones via the Zimmerman-O'Connell-Griffin Rearrangement

August Runemark, Mario Martos, Martin Nigríni et al
Organic Letters. Vol. 25 (29), p. 5520-5524
Journal article

A hexagon based Mn(ii) rod metal-organic framework - structure, SF<inf>6</inf> gas sorption, magnetism and electrochemistry

Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, O. Cheung, Michelle Åhlén et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 59 (15), p. 2106-2109
Journal article

Synthesis, structure diversity, and antimicrobial studies of Ag(i) complexes with quinoline-type ligands

Amal Yousri, Matti Haukka, Morsy A. M. Abu-Youssef et al
CrystEngComm. Vol. 25 (27), p. 3922-3930
Journal article

Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formate by Noble Metal Catalysts Supported on a Chemically Stable Lanthanum Rod-Metal-Organic Framework

Maureen Gumbo, Banothile C. E. Makhubela, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa et al
Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 62 (23), p. 9077-9088
Journal article

Pore size effect of 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)pyrene-based metal-organic frameworks for enhanced SF<inf>6</inf> adsorption with high selectivity

Michelle Åhlén, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Lars Öhrström et al
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. Vol. 343
Journal article

Chiral Lanthanum Metal-Organic Framework with Gated CO2 Sorption and Concerted Framework Flexibility

Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Erik Svensson Grape, Michelle Ahlen et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 144 (19), p. 8725-8733
Journal article

Heterometallic {Fe<inf>18</inf>M<inf>6</inf>} (M = Y, Gd, Dy) Pivalate Wheels Display Solvent-Induced Polymorphism

Daniel Podgornii, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Jan Van Leusen et al
Crystal Growth & Design. Vol. 22 (9), p. 5526-55347
Journal article

Hybrid Metal-Organic Framework-Cellulose Materials Retaining High Porosity: ZIF-8@Cellulose Nanofibrils

Johannes Thunberg, Savannah Zacharias, Merima Hasani et al
Inorganics. Vol. 9 (11)
Journal article

A unified topology approach to dot-, rod-, and sheet-MOFs

Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Maria Abrahamsson, Elisabet Ahlberg et al
Chem. Vol. 7 (9), p. 2491-2512
Journal article

Octanuclear heterometallic Fe-III-Ce-IV pivalate clusters: From a close {Fe4Ce4(mu(4)-O)(4)} cage to an open {Fe4Ce4(mu(4)-O)(2)(mu(3)-O)(2)} core

Svetlana G. Baca, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Lars Öhrström
Inorganica Chimica Acta. Vol. 515
Journal article

An improved water-harvesting cycle

Lars Öhrström, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa
Science. Vol. 374 (6566), p. 402-402
Other text in scientific journal

Metal-Organic Frameworks

Lars Öhrström, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa

Metal-Organic Frameworks with Hexakis(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene: Extensions to Reticular Chemistry and Introducing Foldable Nets

Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Erik Svensson Grape, Steffen Brülls et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 142 (20), p. 9471-9481
Journal article

Natural and synthetic metal oxalates-a topology approach

Cyrielle L.F. Dazem, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Justin Nenwa et al
CrystEngComm. Vol. 21 (41), p. 6156-6164
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) rapid detection

Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lars Öhrström Chemistry and Biochemistry
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence


AI, Big Data, Machine Learning and Metal-Organic Framework synthesis, analysis and design. A proof of concept study (MOF-CADS)

Lars Öhrström Chemistry and Biochemistry
Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rongzhen Chen CSE Verksamhetsstöd
Victor Eberstein Data Science Research Engineers

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