Pär-Erik Back

Showing 18 publications


Enriching social and economic aspects in sustainability assessments of remediation strategies – Methods and implementation

Jenny Norrman, Tore Söderqvist, Yevheniya Volchko et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 707
Journal article

What's the point? The contribution of a sustainability view in contaminated site remediation

Robert Anderson, Jenny Norrman, Pär-Erik Back et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 630, p. 103-116
Journal article

Markmiljöns skyddsvärde – En härledning med utgångspunkt i miljöetik och lagstiftning

Pär-Erik Back, Anja Enell, Malin Fransson et al

SCORE: Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) for Sustainability Appraisal of Remedial Alternatives

Lars Rosen, Jenny Norrman, Tommy Norberg et al
R.R. Sirabian and R. Darlington (Chairs), Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies—2013. Second International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies (Jacksonville, FL; June 10–13, 2013)
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of thermal conductivity and its spatial variability in igneous rocks from in situ density logging

Lars O Ericsson, Pär-Erik Back, Lars O Ericsson et al
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences. Vol. 46 (6), p. 1023-1028
Journal article

Provtagningsstrategier för förorenad jord

Jenny Norrman, Pär-Erik Back, Fredric Engelke et al

Metodik för statistisk utvärdering av miljötekniska undersökningar i jord

Jenny Norrman, Tom Purucker, Pär-Erik Back et al

Value of information analysis for site investigation programs accounting for variability, uncertainty and scale effects with the Aspo HRL prototype repository as an example

Pär-Erik Back, R. Christiansson
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences. Vol. 46 (5), p. 896-904
Journal article

Kostnads-nyttoanalys som verktyg för prioritering av efterbehandlingsinsatser.

Lars Rosen, Pär-Erik Back, Tore Söderqvist et al

Value of Information Analysis in Remedial Investigations

Pär-Erik Back, Lars Rosen, Tommy Norberg
Ambio. Vol. 36 (6), p. 486-493
Journal article

Value of Information Analysis in Remedial Investigations

Pär-Erik Back, Lars Rosen, Tommy Norberg

A model for estimating the value of sampling programs and the optimal number of samples for contaminated soil

Pär-Erik Back
Environmental Geology. Vol. 52 (3), p. 573-585
Journal article

On the Cost-Effectiveness of Sampling Contaminated Soil: Comparison of Two Models

Tommy Norberg, Pär-Erik Back, Lars Rosen

Riskvärdering vid val av åtgärdsstrategi : beskrivning av metoder och exempel

Lars Rosen, Pär-Erik Back, Tore Söderqvist et al

Riskvärdering vid val av åtgärdsstrategi : beskrivning av metoder och exempel

Lars Rosen, Tore Söderqvist, Åsa Soutukorva et al

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