Peter Gennemark

Showing 23 publications


Overexpressing cell systems are a competitive option to primary adipocytes when predicting in vivo potency of dual GPR81/GPR109A agonists

Joachim Almquist, Daniel Hovdal, Christine Ahlström et al
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 114, p. 155-165
Journal article

Hemostatic effects of the ticagrelor antidote MEDI2452 in pigs treated with ticagrelor on a background of aspirin

S. Pehrsson, K. J. Johansson, A. Janefeldt et al
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Vol. 15 (6), p. 1213-1222
Journal article

Unraveling the Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Ticagrelor and MEDI2452 (Ticagrelor Antidote) by Mathematical Modeling

Joachim Almquist, M. Penney, S. Pehrsson et al
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology. Vol. 5 (6), p. 313-323
Journal article

Modeling energy intake by adding homeostatic feedback and drug intervention

Peter Gennemark, Stephan Hjorth, J. Gabrielsson
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Vol. 42 (1), p. 79-96
Journal article

Dose-Response-Time Modelling, Input Estimation and Structural Identiability as tools for Systems Pharmacology

Magnus Trägårdh, David Janzén, Robert Andersson et al
In proceedings of the 7th Noordwijkerhout Symposium on Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Systems Pharmacology
Conference poster

ODEion- a software module for structural identification of ordinary differential equations

Peter Gennemark, Dag Wedelin
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Vol. 12 (1), p. Art. no. 1350015-
Journal article

Input estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems for model – based drug discovery using optimal control techniques

Magnus Trägårdh, Michael Chappell, Niel Evans et al
In proceedings of PKUK 2014
Conference poster

Population pharmacokinetic modeling and deconvolution of enantioselective absorption of eflornithine in the rat.

Carl-Christer Johansson, Peter Gennemark, Per Artursson et al
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Vol. 40 (1), p. 117-28
Journal article

Modeling yeast osmoadaptation at different levels of resolution

C. Kuhn, Peter Gennemark
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Vol. 11 (2), p. artikel nr 1330001-
Review article

Optimal Design in Population Kinetic Experiments by Set-Valued Methods

Peter Gennemark, A Danis, J Nyberg et al
AAPS Journal. Vol. 13 (4), p. 495-507
Journal article

Network modeling of the transcriptional effects of copy number aberrations in glioblastoma

Rebecka Jörnsten, Tobias Abenius, Teresia Kling et al
Molecular Systems Biology. Vol. 7, p. 486-
Journal article

Structural identification of GMA models: Algorithm and model comparison

G.D. Kattas, Peter Gennemark, Dag Wedelin
CMSB 2010 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, p. 107-113
Paper in proceeding

Formal Representation of the High Osmolarity Glycerol Pathway in Yeast

Clemens Kühn, K V S Prasad, Edda Klipp et al
Genome informatics. International Conference on Genome Informatics. Vol. 22, p. 69-83
Journal article

Improved Parameter Estimation for Completely Observed Ordinary Differential Equations with Application to Biological Systems

Peter Gennemark, Dag Wedelin
LEcture Notes in Computer Science: 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB 2009; Bologna; Italy; 31 August 2009 through 1 September 2009. Vol. LNCS 5688, p. 205-217
Paper in proceeding

Benchmarks for identification of ordinary differential equations from time series data

Peter Gennemark, Dag Wedelin
Bioinformatics. Vol. 25 (6), p. 780-786
Journal article

Models from experiments: combinatorial drug perturbations of cancer cells

Sven Nelander, Weiqing Wang, Bjoern Nilsson et al
Molecular Systems Biology. Vol. 4
Journal article

On the design and evaluation of identification algorithms for ordinary differential equations

Dag Wedelin, Peter Gennemark
5th Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks. BIOQUANT, Heidelberg, p. 35-41
Other conference contribution

Efficient algorithms for ordinary differential equation model identification of biological systems

Peter Gennemark, Dag Wedelin
IET Systems Biology. Vol. 1 (2), p. 120-129
Journal article

A simple mathematical model of adaptation to high osmolarity in yeast

Peter Gennemark, Bodil Nordlander, Stefan Hohmann et al
In Silico Biology. Vol. 6 (0018)
Journal article

Integrative model of the response of yeast to osmotic shock

Edda Klipp, Bodil Nordlander, Roland Kruger et al
Nature Biotechnology. Vol. 23 (8), p. 975-82.
Journal article

Turgor restoration: the critical event in signal cessation of the HOG pathway

Bodil Nordlander, Peter Gennemark, Markus J. Tamás et al
Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting, Seattle, USA
Other conference contribution

Downregulation of the HOG MAP kinase pathway during yeast osmoadaptation

Bodil Nordlander, Peter Gennemark, Markus J. Tamás et al
Yeast. Vol. 20, p. S170-
Other conference contribution

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