Emma Zhang

Showing 13 publications


Rechargeable concrete battery

Emma Zhang, Luping Tang
Buildings. Vol. 11 (3)
Journal article

FShrinkage behaviour, early hydration and hardened properties of sodium silicate activated slag incorporated with gypsum and cement

Jun Liu, Lu Hu, Luping Tang et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 248
Journal article

Monitoring and Interpreting the Early Properties of Alkali-Activated Materials by Electrical Conductivity Measurement

Luping Tang, Jun Liu, Emma Zhang
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 22, p. 349-355
Book chapter

Electrical monitoring of concrete using a novel structural sensor based on conductive cementitious mortar

Emma Zhang, Sotirios Grammatikos, Ingemar Löfgren et al
ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Paper in proceeding

Activation of municipal solid waste incineration ashes for green concrete

Emma Zhang, Arnaud Glikson, Sara López Menéndez et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (4)
Paper in proceeding

Application of CFRP as anode in cathodic protection for steel reinforced concrete - A review

Emma Zhang, Luping Tang
MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 289
Paper in proceeding

Predicting degradation of the anode-concrete interface for impressed current cathodic protection in concrete

Emma Zhang, Zareen Abbas, Luping Tang
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 185, p. 57-68
Journal article

Effect of the paste–anode interface under impressed current cathodic protection in concrete structures

Emma Zhang, Luping Tang, Diana Bernin et al
Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion. Vol. 69 (8), p. 1104-1116
Journal article

Carbon fiber as anode material for cathodic prevention in cementitious materials

Emma Qingnan Zhang, Luping Tang, Thomas Zack
5th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, p. 300-308
Paper in proceeding

Carbon fibre mesh as anode for corrosion free reinforced concrete

Emma Zhang
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

A Novel Anode Material for Cathodic Prevention of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures with Hybrid Functions

Emma Qingnan Zhang, Luping Tang
Proceedings of XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, 13 - 15 August 2014, Reykjavik Iceland, p. 435-438
Paper in proceeding

Covercrete with hybrid functions – A novel approach to durable reinforced concrete structures

Luping Tang, Emma Qingnan Zhang, Ying Fu et al
Materials and Corrosion. Vol. 63 (12), p. 1119-1126
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Grön cement baserad på masugnsslagg

Luping Tang Building Technology
Helen Jansson Building Technology
Emma Zhang Building Technology

2 publications exist

Development of sustainable electrochemical corrosion protection systems for reinforced concrete structures (DOSECOPS)

Arezou Babaahmadi Building Technology
Luping Tang Building Technology
Emma Qingnan Zhang Building Technology
Wei Liu Building Technology
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Covercrete with hybrid functions - A new approach to sustainable reinforced concrete structures with low cement content

Luping Tang Building Technology
Emma Qingnan Zhang Building Technology

1 publication exists
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