Simon Olsson
For details about my research please see our group website

Showing 20 publications
Machine Learning in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biomolecular Systems
AI Tool for Exploring How Economic Activities Impact Local Ecosystems
Rescuing Off-Equilibrium Simulation Data through Dynamic Experimental Data with dynAMMo
Implicit Transfer Operator Learning: Multiple Time-Resolution Models for Molecular Dynamics
A novel strategy of structure-guided vaccine design to enhance the availability of immunogens
A litmus test for classifying recognition mechanisms of transiently binding proteins
De Novo Drug Design Using Reinforcement Learning with Graph- Based Deep Generative Models
Ecosystem Models Based on Artificial Intelligence
BIBAX: a novel structure-guided approach to improve vaccine safety and efficacy
Markov field models: Scaling molecular kinetics approaches to large molecular machines
Prediction of the Chemical Context for Buchwald-Hartwig Coupling Reactions
Markov State Models of Protein–Protein Encounters
Multi-body effects in a coarse-grained protein force field
Discovery of a hidden transient state in all bromodomain families
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