Hana Jungová
Hana Jungova is a research scientist in the Division of Nano- and Biophysics at the Department of Physics, Chalmers University. She conducts interdisciplinary research at the intersection of physics, nanotechnology, and cellular biology, focusing on nanoparticle-biomolecule interactions and the mechanics and dynamics of cells at the nanoscale. Her work centers on developing advanced optical techniques to characterize biomolecular layers and investigate adsorption kinetics on plasmonic nanoparticles with sub-nanometer sensitivity. Through these efforts, she aims to advance understanding of nanoparticle behavior in biological environments, with applications in biosensing, drug delivery, and nanomedicine.

Showing 20 publications
High-angle deflection of metagrating-integrated laser emission for high-contrast microscopy
Non-equilibrium properties of an active nanoparticle in a harmonic potential
Nanoplasmonic−nanofluidic single-molecule biosensors for ultrasmall sample volumes
Non-equilibrium properties of an active nanoparticle in a harmonic potential
Dynamics of an active Nanoparticle in an optical trap
Nanoscale Inorganic Motors Driven by Light: Principles, Realizations, and Opportunities
Optical Rotation and Thermometry of Laser Tweezed Silicon Nanorods
Plasmonic versus All-Dielectric Nanoantennas for Refractometric Sensing: A Direct Comparison
Surface Interactions of Gold Nanoparticles Optically Trapped against an Interface
Large-Scale Fabrication of Shaped High Index Dielectric Nanoparticles on a Substrate and in Solution
High index dielectric metasurfaces and colloidal solutions: From fabrication to application
Gold nanorod rotary motors for ultra-sensitive DNA detection
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Showing 2 research projects
Tracking cellular nanomotions with optically controlled rotary nanomotors
Shining light on the hidden moves: Nanoscale probing of bacterial activity