Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir

Showing 19 publications


Lessons learned from the Preem-CCS project – a pioneering Swedish-Norwegian collaboration showcasing the full CCS chain

Max Biermann, Simon Harvey, Jan Kjärstad et al
16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2022 (GHGT-16)
Paper in proceeding

Enhancement of CO2 Absorption in Water through pH Control and Carbonic Anhydrase - A Technical Assessment

Johanna Beiron, Fredrik Normann, Lars Kristoferson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 58 (31), p. 14275-14283
Journal article

Extended abstract: Cutting Cost of CO<inf>2</inf> Capture in Process Industry CO<inf>2</inf>stCap

R. Skagestad, Fredrik Normann, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir et al
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Improving the flexibility of coal-fired power generators: Impact on the composition of a cost-optimal electricity system

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Lisa Göransson, Fredrik Normann et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 209, p. 277-289
Journal article

A Case Study of Partial Capture of CO<inf>2</inf> From a Pulp Mill – The CO<inf>2</inf> Capture Cost

R. Skagestad, Jens Wolf, Marie Anheden et al
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Investment costs and CO2 reduction potential of carbon capture from industrial plants – A Swedish case study

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, R. Skagestad et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 76, p. 111-124
Journal article

Partial Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Industrial Sources - A Discussion on Cost Optimization and the CO2 Capture Rate

Fredrik Normann, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, R. Skagestad et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 113-121
Paper in proceeding

CO2stCap - Cutting Cost of CO2 Capture in Process Industry

R. Skagestad, Fredrik Normann, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 6303-6315
Paper in proceeding

Efficiency Comparison of Large-Scale Standalone, Centralized, and Distributed Thermochemical Biorefineries

Alberto Alamia, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Anton Larsson et al
Energy Technology. Vol. 5 (8), p. 1435-1448
Journal article

Effects of CO2-absorption control strategies on the dynamic performance of a supercritical pulverized-coal-fired power plant

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Rubén Mocholí Montañés, Fredrik Normann et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 56 (15), p. 4415-4430
Journal article

Power plant dynamics with post-combustion CO2 capture - A comparison between a supercritical coal fired and a natural gas combined cycle power plant

Rubén Mocholí Montañés, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann et al
Other conference contribution

Demonstrating load-change transient performance of a commercial-scale natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion CO2 capture

Rubén Mocholí Montañés, Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 63, p. 158-174
Journal article

Challenges for coal based electricity generation in energy systems with high capacity of variable renewable energy sources

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, Filip Johnsson
Proceedings of the 41st International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems
Other conference contribution

Post combustion CO2 capture applied to a state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant - the influence of dynamic process conditions

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, Klas Andersson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 33, p. 51-62
Journal article

Post-combustion CO2 capture using monoethanolamine and ammonia solvents: The influence of the CO2 concentration on the technical performance

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, Klas Andersson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 54 (2), p. 681-690
Journal article

Process evaluation of CO2 capture in three industrial case studies

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, Klas Andersson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 6565-6575
Paper in proceeding

Transient Behavior of a Post Combustion CO2 Capture Process

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Fredrik Normann, Klas Andersson et al
2nd Post Combustion Capture Conference
Other conference contribution

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