Sofia Svedhem
Showing 63 publications
Asymmetric cationic liposomes designed for heat-activated association with cells
Graphene Oxide and Lipid Membranes: Size-Dependent Interactions
Effects of Al3+ on Phosphocholine and Phosphoglycerol Containing Solid Supported Lipid Bilayers
Heat-activated liposome targeting to streptavidin-coated surfaces
Real-time monitoring of surface-confined platelet activation on TiO2
Phase Transition-Controlled Flip-Flop in Asymmetric Lipid Membranes
QCM-D and computational study of Al3+ effects on supported lipid bilayer structure
Acoustic monitoring of changes in well-defined hyaluronan layers exposed to chondrocytes
Acoustic detection of melanosome transport in Xenopus laevis melanophores
Acoustical sensing of cardiomyocyte cluster beating
Immobilization of chondroitin sulfate to lipid membranes and its interactions with ECM proteins
Membrane interaction of tryptophan-arginine peptides with dual function
Characterization of nanoparticle-lipid membrane interactions using QCM-D
Reversible Hybridization of DNA Anchored to a Lipid Membrane via Porphyrin
QCM-D - a useful tool for cell studies?
Well-defined lipid interfaces for protein adsorption studies
Graphene Oxide and Lipid Membranes: Interactions and Nanocomposite Structures
Pore Spanning Lipid Bilayers on Mesoporous Silica Having Varying Pore Size
Imaging of blood plasma coagulation at supported lipid membranes
Electrodeless QCM-D for lipid bilayer applications
Chemical Modifications of Au/SiO2 Template Substrates for Patterned Biofunctional Surfaces
Supported Lipid Bilayers With Controlled Curvature via Colloidal Lithography
Bioreducible insulin-loaded nanoparticles and their interaction with model lipid membranes
Pore spanning lipid bilayers on mesoporous silica having varying pore size
Responsive insulin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles interacting with model lipid membranes
Nanobiomaterial - lipid membrane interactions
Monitoring of surface interactions as a tool for nanoparticle design
An OEGylated thiol monolayer for the tethering of liposomes and the study of liposome interactions
A miniaturized flow reaction chamber for use in combination with QCM-D sensing
Influence of phase separating lipids on supported lipid bilayer formation at SiO2 surfaces
Lipid Transfer between Charged Supported Lipid Bilayers and Oppositely Charged Vesicles
DHA-induced changes of supported lipid membrane morphology
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Showing 1 research projects
NanoSphere: Centre for interaction and risk studies in Nano-Bio-Geo-Sociotechno-sphere interfaces