Sven Gunnarson

Showing 19 publications


Teaching Organizational Project Management at Postgraduate Level

Inger Bergman, Sven Gunnarson
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 119, p. 446-455
Paper in proceeding

Decoupling and standardization in the projectification of a company

Inger Bergman, Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Vol. 6 (1), p. 106-128
Journal article

Coacha arbetslaget att bryta rigida strukturer och frigöra medarbetarnas potential

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
Rapp Ricciardi, Max (red), Handboken Coaching, Bonniers Ledarskapshandböcker, kapitel 5.2.
Book chapter

Metaphorical meta-stories to facilitate critical reflection: Coping with dysfunctional organisations

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium ‘The Social Dynamics of Standardization’, July 2-4, 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Paper in proceeding

Passion as a substitute for formal education in knowing and learning processes

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson et al
Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium ‘The Social Dynamics of Standardization’, July 2-4, 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Other conference contribution

Att verka i en multiprojekt miljö: Metoder för att begripliggöra

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
I Stjernberg, T.; Söderlund, J.; Wikström, E. (red.) "Projektliv – villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet". Studentlitteratur, Lund, p. 141-158
Book chapter

Learning to know and knowing to learn: Discursive practice as knowledge enabler

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of CME 25 "Construction Management and Economics: Past, Present and Future", July 16-18 2007, Reading, UK. Taylor and Francis
Paper in proceeding

Kommunikation och kunskap - för vem och för vad?

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson

Pooling individual experiential narratives to enhance organisational learning

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the joint international symposium of CIB W55/W65/W86 "Construction in the XXI century: Local and global challenges", October 17-20 2006, Rome, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Challenging governing organisational texts by pooling individual experiential narratives: Toward a re-writing of the organisation

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the 21st EGOS Colloquium "Unlocking organizations", June 30 - July 2 2005, Berlin, Germany
Other conference contribution

What can multi-project organisations learn from each other? Comparing the construction and telecom industries

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of the 1st International WCPM Conference, May 27-28 2004, Toronto, Canada, p. 540-551
Paper in proceeding

University-Industry collaboration in Swedish construction project management: patterns and experiences

Jan Bröchner, Sven Gunnarson, Anna Kadefors
Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference on Project Management "Clustering in Construction Project Management", 24-25 September 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece, p. 9-10
Paper in proceeding

Multi-project organisations from a methodological perspective: Challenges and Rewards

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the IRNOP VI Project Research Conference, August 25-27 2004, Turku, Finland, p. 252-265
Paper in proceeding

Narrating project management: Weaving together words and actions to capture the essence of multi-project organisations

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Preceedings of the 5th International Conference on Organizational Discourse "From Micro-Utterances to Micro-Inferences", July 24-26 2002, London, UK
Other conference contribution

Standardization and knowledge creation: Are they compatible for multi-project organizations?

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde
16th Nordic Conference of Business Studies, August 16-18 2001, Uppsala, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Standardization and creativity in projects: Are they compatible?

Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of IPMA International Symposium and NORDNET "Project Management Creativity", May 31 - June 1 2001, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

The social construction of a project management model: Standardizing work processes in multi-project organizations

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen, Anneli Linde et al
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Organizational Discourse "Word Views, Work Views and World Views", July 26-28 2000, London, UK
Other conference contribution

Is standardization applicable to project managers of multi-project companies?

Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde, David Loid
Proceedings of IRNOP IV Conference "Paradoxes of Project Collaboration in the Global Economy: Interdependence, Complexity and Ambiguity", 9-12 January 2000, Sydney, Australia
Paper in proceeding

The professionalization of project managers

Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde
Nordic Seminar on Construction Economics and Organization, April 12-13 1999, Göteborg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

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