Tamas Lengyel
Showing 23 publications
Multilevel Modulation and Transmission in VCSEL-based Short-range Fiber Optic Links
Effect of VCSEL Characteristics on Ultra-High Speed Sigma-Delta-Over-Fiber Communication Links
VCSEL modulation speed: Status and prospects
Pre-emphasis enabled 50 Gbit/s transmission over 1000 m SMF using a 1060 nm single-mode VCSEL
1060 nm VCSELs for long-reach optical interconnects
High speed optical interconnects with 850 nm VCSELs and advanced modulation formats
High-Speed VCSELs for OOK and Multilevel PAM Modulation
VCSEL modulation capacity: Continued improvements or physical limits?
Impact of Damping on 50 Gbps 4-PAM Modulation of 25G Class VCSELs
Optoelectronics Enabled Dense Patch Antenna Array for Future 5G Cellular Applications
1060 nm single and multimode VCSELs for up to 50 Gb/s modulation
Impact of Damping on 50 Gbps 4-PAM Modulation of 25G Class VCSELs
VCSEL design and integration for high-capacity optical interconnects
94-Gb/s 4-PAM Using an 850-nm VCSEL, Pre-Emphasis, and Receiver Equalization
Investigation of 60 Gb/s 4-PAM Using an 850 nm VCSEL and Multimode Fiber
Demonstration of a 71.8 Gbps 4-PAM 850 nm VCSEL-based Link with a Pre-emphasizing Passive Filter
48.7 Gb/s 4-PAM Transmission over 200 m of High Bandwidth MMF using an 850 nm VCSEL
50 Gb/s 4-PAM over 200 m of High Bandwidth MMF using a 850 nm VCSEL
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