Yury Tarakanov

Showing 18 publications


A hybrid workflow connecting a network and an agent-based model for predictive pedestrian movement modelling

Anita Ullrich, Franziska Hunger, Ioanna Stavroulaki et al
Frontiers in Built Environment. Vol. 10
Journal article

Drivers passing cyclists: How does sight distance affect safety? Results from a naturalistic study

Alexander Rasch, Yury Tarakanov, Gustav Tellwe et al
Journal of Safety Research. Vol. 87, p. 76-85
Journal article

Crowd Movement - DTCC Milestone Project

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Oscar Ivarsson et al

Drivers overtaking cyclists on rural roads: How does visibility affect safety? Results from a naturalistic study

Alexander Rasch, Yury Tarakanov, Gustav Tellwe et al
Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022), p. 66-68
Other conference contribution

Particle Tracing: Analysis of Airborne Infection Risks in Operating Theatres

Ida Wernström, Sofia Hjalmarsson, Therése Lindberg et al
COMOSOL Conference Milan 2012, p. 1-7
Other conference contribution

Dissipative and conservative nonlinearity in carbon nanotube and graphene mechanical resonators

Joel Moser, A. Eichler, Benjamin Lassagne et al
Fluctuating Nonlinear Oscillators. Vol. 9780199691388, p. 341-361
Book chapter

Carbon-nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical transistors

Yury Tarakanov
Doctoral thesis

Parametric Resonance in Nanoelectromechanical Single Electron Transistors

Daniel Midtvedt, Yury Tarakanov, Jari Kinaret
Nano Letters. Vol. 11 (4), p. 1439-1442
Journal article

Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors with Suspended Graphene Gates

J. Svensson, N. Lindahl, H. Yun et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 11 (9), p. 3569-3575
Journal article

Magnetomotive Instability and Generation of Mechanical Vibrations in Suspended Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes

Anders Nordenfelt, Yury Tarakanov, Leonid Gorelik et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 12 (12), p. 123013 (9 pages)-
Journal article

Carbon nanotubes towards medicinal biochips

A. O. Tarakanov, L. B. Goncharova, Yury Tarakanov
Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology. Vol. 2 (1), p. 1-10
Journal article

Carbon Nanotube Diameter Dependence of the Schottky Barrier Height for Pd – Carbon Nanotube Contacts

Johannes Svensson, Abdelrahim Sourab, Yury Tarakanov et al
Nanotechnology. Vol. 20 (17), p. 175204-
Journal article

Coupling Mechanics to Charge Transport in Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Resonators

Benjamin Lassagne, Yury Tarakanov, Jari Kinaret et al
Science. Vol. 325, p. 1107-1110
Journal article

Carbon-based nanoelectromechanical devices

Stefan Bengtsson, Eleanor E B Campbell, J Ek-Weis et al
Advanced workshop on Frontiers in Electronics (invited paper)
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Simulations Demonstrate Safe Vitrification and Warming of Embryos Using the Rapid-i™ Device

Yury Tarakanov, Björn O J Johansson, Hans Lehmann et al
Comsol conference Milan
Magazine article

A carbon nanotube gated carbon nanotube transistor with 5 ps gate

Johannes Svensson, Yury Tarakanov, DongSu Lee et al
Nanotechnology. Vol. 19 (32), p. 325201-
Journal article

A Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with a Suspended Nanotube Gate

Yury Tarakanov, Jari Kinaret
Nano Letters. Vol. 7 (8), p. 2291-2294
Journal article

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