Tobias Eriksson
Showing 43 publications
High capacity transmission with few-mode fibers
Microresonator frequency combs for long-haul coherent communications
Long-haul coherent communications using microresonator-based frequency combs
Achievable Rates Comparison for Phase-Conjugated Twin-Waves and PM-QPSK
Quadrature decomposition of a 20 Gbaud 16-QAM signal into 2×4-PAM signals
Impact of Intercore Crosstalk on the Transmission Distance of QAM Formats in Multicore Fibers
Experimental Analysis of Correlations in the Nonlinear Phase Noise in Optical Fiber Systems
Multidimensional modulation formats for coherent optical communications
Frequency-Comb Regeneration for Self-Homodyne Superchannels
Four-Dimensional Estimates of Mutual Information in Coherent Optical Communication Experiments
Experimental Investigation of Crosstalk Penalties in Multicore Fiber Transmission Systems
Experimental Investigation of a Four-Dimensional 256-ary Lattice-based Modulation Format
On the impact of carrier phase estimation on phase correlations in coherent fiber transmission
Phase-Sensitive Amplification of 28 GBaud DP-QPSK Signal
Phase-Sensitive Amplified Transmission Links for Improved Sensitivity and Nonlinearity Tolerance
Frequency-Comb Regeneration for Self-Homodyne Superchannels
Impact of inter-core crosstalk on the transmission distance of QAM formats in multi-core fibers
Single parity check-coded 16QAM over spatial superchannels in multicore fiber transmission
Modulation formats for multi-core fiber transmission
Multidimensional Modulation Formats for Coherent Optical Communication Systems
Spectrum Superposition Based Chromatic Dispersion Estimation for Digital Coherent Receivers
Linear and nonlinear transmission of 16-QAM over 105 km phase-sensitive amplified link
Single parity check multi-core modulation for power efficient spatial super-channels
Energy efficient modulation formats for multi-core fibers
K-Over-L Multidimensional Position Modulation
Biorthogonal modulation in 8 dimensions experimentally implemented as 2PPM-PS-QPSK
Four-Dimensional Modulation Formats for Long-Haul Transmission
Long-Haul Transmission of PM-2PPM-QPSK at 42.8 Gbit/s
Experimental Demonstration of 128-SP-QAM in Uncompensated Long-Haul Transmission
Comparison of 128-SP-QAM and PM-16QAM in long-haul WDM transmission
Frequency and polarization switched QPSK
Influence of Fiber-Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in High-Speed Transmission Systems
Approaching Nyquist Limit in WDM Systems by Low-Complexity Receiver-Side Duobinary Shaping
Mitigation of Fiber Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in 112 Gbit/s DP-QPSK Coherent Systems
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