Tobias Kristensen

Doctoral Student at Microwave Electronics

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Showing 5 publications


Dynamic Thermal Coupling in GaN MMIC Power Amplifiers

Tobias Kristensen, Torbjörn M.J. Nilsson, Andreas Divinyi et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 73 (1), p. 38-44
Journal article

On-Chip Sensors for Temperature Monitoring of Packaged GaN MMICs

Andreas Divinyi, Torbjörn M.J. Nilsson, Niklas Rorsman et al
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 14 (5), p. 891-896
Journal article

Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Thermal Coupling in GaN HEMTs Calibrated by Transient Measurements

Tobias Kristensen, Torbjörn M.J. Nilsson, Andreas Divinyi et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 71 (12), p. 7343-7349
Journal article

Characterization and Modeling of Dynamic Thermal Coupling in GaN MMIC Power Amplifiers

Tobias Kristensen, Torbjörn M.J. Nilsson, Andreas Divinyi et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p. 1053-1056
Paper in proceeding

Thermal Transient Measurements of GaN HEMT Structures by Electrical Measurements

Tobias Kristensen, Andreas Divinyi, Johan Bremer et al
2023 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2023, p. 293-296
Paper in proceeding

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