Wera Larsson

Showing 6 publications


Diarylethene Isomerization by Using Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion

Wera Larsson, Masakazu Morimoto, Masahiro Irie et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 29 (13)
Journal article

A general approach for all-visible-light switching of diarylethenes through triplet sensitization using semiconducting nanocrystals

Lili Hou, Wera Larsson, Stefan Hecht et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 10 (42), p. 15833-15842
Journal article

Rapid amplitude-modulation of a diarylethene photoswitch: en route to contrast-enhanced fluorescence imaging

Gaowa Naren, Wera Larsson, Carlos Benitez-Martin et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 12 (20), p. 7073-7078
Journal article

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