Yuliya Kalmykova

Professor at Water Environment Technology

Professor Yuliya Kalmykova is the founder and leader of the research theme Urban Metabolism. She develops solutions for sustainable cities and sustainable urban metabolism, in particular, with the help Circular Economy, Industrial Symbiosis and other tools.

She also researches on colloidal transport of organic and inorganic pollutants, treatment of contaminated water and soil and urban mining. Dr. Kalmykova is project leader for Sustainable and Attractive Cities, RIS: Regional Industrial Symbiosis, MEI: Municipal Environmental Impact, DMFA: District Material Flow Analysis and researcher in Urban Wins, Battery project and the Organic pollutants in colloidal form.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Yuliya Kalmykova

Showing 49 publications


Revealing patterns in household product consumption and sharing: An approach to support urban governance towards a sustainable sharing economy

Divia Jimenez Encarnacion, Erica Ann Metheney, Liane Thuvander et al
Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 45, p. 244-264
Journal article

Method for identifying industrial symbiosis opportunities

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 185
Journal article

Top-down method and databases for typical product demands of 103 manufacturing industries

Joao Patricio, Divia Jimenez Encarnacion, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 164
Journal article

Methods for Downscaling National Material Consumption Data to the Regional and Municipal Levels

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (20), p. 1-16
Journal article

Informing sustainable consumption in urban districts: A method for transforming household expenditures into physical quantities

Alice Whetstone, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (3), p. 1-16
Journal article

A method and databases for estimating detailed industrial waste generation at different scales – With application to biogas industry development

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 246
Journal article

Combining Industrial Symbiosis with Sustainable Supply Chain Management for Development of Urban Communities

Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova
IEEE Engineering Management Review. Vol. 47 (2), p. 103-114
Journal article

Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Sustainability Measures: A Systems Approach for Policy Prioritization

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (3)
Journal article

Combining material flow analysis with life cycle assessment to identify environmental hotspots of urban consumption

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 226, p. 526-539
Journal article

Material-intensity database of residential buildings: A case-study of Sweden in the international context

Paul Gontia, Claudio Nägeli, Leonardo Rosado et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 130, p. 228-239
Journal article

Circular economy – From review of theories and practices to development of implementation tools

Yuliya Kalmykova, Madumita Sadagopan, Leonardo Rosado
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 135, p. 190-201
Journal article

Method to identify opportunities for CCU at regional level - Matching sources and receivers

Joao Patricio, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Arturo Castillo-Castillo et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 22, p. 330-345
Journal article

Region prioritization for the development of carbon capture and utilization technologies

Joao Patricio, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Arturo Castillo-Castillo et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 17, p. 50-59
Journal article

Selecting representative products for quantifying environmental impacts of consumption in urban areas

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 162, p. 34-44
Journal article

Emissions of organic pollutants from traffic and roads: Priority pollutants selection and substance flow analysis

Anna Markiewicz, Karin Björklund, E. Eriksson et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 580, p. 1162-1174
Journal article

Portable battery lifespans and new estimation method for battery collection rate based on a lifespan modeling approach

Yuliya Kalmykova, Per Eo Berg, Joao Patricio et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 120, p. 65-74
Journal article

Resource consumption drivers and pathways to reduction: economy, policy and lifestyle impact on material flows at the national and urban scale

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado, Joao Patricio
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 132, p. 70-80
Journal article

Urban metabolism profiles. An empirical analysis of the material flow characteristics of three metropolitan areas in Sweden

Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova, Joao Patricio
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 126, p. 206-217
Journal article

Greenhouse gas emissions from key infrastructure sectors in larger and smaller Chinese cities: method development and benchmarking

Kangkang Tong, Andrew Fang, Dana Boyer et al
Carbon Management. Vol. 7 (1-2), p. 27-39
Journal article

Out with the old, out with the new - The effect of transitions in TVs and monitors technology on consumption and WEEE generation in Sweden 1996-2014

Yuliya Kalmykova, Joao Patricio, Leonardo Rosado et al
Waste Management. Vol. 46, p. 511-522
Journal article

Life Cycle Assessment of Phosphorus Sources from Phosphate ore and urban sinks: Sewage Sludge and MSW Incineration fly ash

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ulrika Palme, Siyang Yu et al
International Journal of Environmental Research. Vol. 9 (1), p. 133-140
Journal article

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 19 (5), p. 837-852
Journal article

Urban Economies Resource Productivity and Decoupling: Metabolism Trends of 1996-2011 in Sweden, Stockholm, and Gothenburg

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado, Joao Patricio
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (14), p. 8815-8823
Journal article

Urban Metabolism as Framework for Circular Economy Design for Cities

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Proceedings of the World Resources Forum 2015
Paper in proceeding

Particle phase distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in stormwater - Using humic acid and iron nano-sized colloids as test particles

K. Nielsen, Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 532, p. 103-111
Journal article

Primary and secondary battery consumption trends in Sweden 1996-2013: Method development and detailed accounting by battery type

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Per Eo Berg et al
Waste Management. Vol. 39 (5), p. 236-245
Journal article

A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district

Leonardo Rosado, Shea Hagy, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Vol. 8 (2), p. 171-185
Journal article

Total Material Requirement assessment of Phosphorus sources from phosphate ore and urban sinks: sewage sludge and MSW incineration fly ash

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ulrika Palme, Karin Karlfeldt Fedje et al
International Journal of Environmental Research. Vol. 9 (3), p. 561-566
Journal article

Dissipation and Recycling: What Losses, What Dissipation Impacts, and What Recycling Options?

Masaru Yarime, Cynthia Carliell-Marquet, Deborah T Hellums et al
Sustainable Phosphorus Management, p. 247-274
Book chapter

Quantification of Goods Purchases and Waste Generation at the Level of Individual Households

Robin Harder, Yuliya Kalmykova, Greg Morrison et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 18 (2), p. 227-241
Journal article

Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash

Yuliya Kalmykova, Karin Karlfeldt Fedje
Waste Management. Vol. 33 (6), p. 1403-1410
Journal article

Partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Alkylphenols, Bisphenol A and Phthalates in Landfill Leachates and Stormwater.

Yuliya Kalmykova, Karin Björklund, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall et al
Water Research. Vol. 47 (3), p. 1317-1328
Journal article

Risk assessment of contaminants leaching to groundwater in an infrastructure project

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall
Urban Environment: Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries, p. 413-423
Magazine article

Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in urban areas

Yuliya Kalmykova, Robin Harder, Helena Borgestedt et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 16 (6), p. 928-939
Journal article

Colloid-Facilitated Metal Transport in Peat Filters

Yuliya Kalmykova, Sebastien Rauch, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall et al
Water Environment Research. Vol. 82 (6), p. 506-511
Journal article

Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water

Yuliya Kalmykova, Jesper Knutsson, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall
Alliance for Global Sustainability. 9th Highway and Urban Environment Symposium (9HUES). Univ Politecn Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN. JUN 09-11, 2008. Vol. 17, p. 307-317
Paper in proceeding

Peat filter performance under changing environmental conditions

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall, Sebastien Rauch et al
Journal of Hazardous Materials. Vol. 166 (1), p. 389-393
Journal article

Colloid facilitated transport of metals in peat filter

Yuliya Kalmykova, Sebastien Rauch, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall et al

Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water

Yuliya Kalmykova
Proceedings of the 9th highway and urban environment symposium, Madrid, Spain 9-11 June 2008
Other conference contribution


Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall, Britt-Marie Steenari
Environmental Technology. Vol. 29, p. 111-122
Journal article

Hyttslam som adsorbent för tungmetaller?

Jesper Knutsson, M. Pålsson, Yuliya Kalmykova et al

Adsorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn on Sphagnum peat from solutions with low concentrations

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall, Britt-Marie Steenari
Journal of Hazardous Materials. Vol. 152 (152), p. 885-891
Journal article

Adsorption materials for removal of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons from contaminated leachates

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall, Britt-Marie Steenari
proceedings of the 9th International FZK/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems, ConSoil 2005, 3-7 October 2005, Bordeaux
Paper in proceeding

Alternative materials for permeable reactive barriers

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall
Proceedings of the 16th Annual AEHS Meeting & West Coast Conference on Soils, Sediments, and Water
Other conference contribution

Fastläggningsprocesser i torv som indikation på föroreningars spridning i humusrik jord

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall
Other conference contribution

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Showing 5 research projects


SEsam: Sharing Economy sustainability assessment method to support the implementation of sharing economy initiatives.

Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Kamprad Family Foundation

3 publications exist

dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level

Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


The MEI method - Combining material flow analysis and life cycle assessment for evaluating effectiveness and potentials of municipal measures to reach environmental targets

Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Alexandra Lavers Westin Water Environment Technology
Mistra Urban Futures

5 publications exist

Industriell symbios

Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Business Region Göteborg (BRG)


Colloidal fractions of persistent organic pollutants in road runoff: sources, generation and innovative treatment techniques

Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall Water Environment Technology
Karin Björklund Water Environment Technology
Anna Markiewicz Water Environment Technology
Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology

2 publications exist
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