Yuliya Kalmykova
Showing 49 publications
Method for identifying industrial symbiosis opportunities
Top-down method and databases for typical product demands of 103 manufacturing industries
Methods for Downscaling National Material Consumption Data to the Regional and Municipal Levels
Circular economy – From review of theories and practices to development of implementation tools
Region prioritization for the development of carbon capture and utilization technologies
Method to identify opportunities for CCU at regional level - Matching sources and receivers
Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels
Urban Metabolism as Framework for Circular Economy Design for Cities
A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district
Quantification of Goods Purchases and Waste Generation at the Level of Individual Households
Dissipation and Recycling: What Losses, What Dissipation Impacts, and What Recycling Options?
Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash
Risk assessment of contaminants leaching to groundwater in an infrastructure project
Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in urban areas
Colloid-Facilitated Metal Transport in Peat Filters
Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water
Peat filter performance under changing environmental conditions
Alternative Sorption Materials for Contaminated Water Treatment
Colloid facilitated transport of metals in peat filter
Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water
Hyttslam som adsorbent för tungmetaller?
Adsorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn on Sphagnum peat from solutions with low concentrations
Alternative materials for permeable reactive barriers
Alternative Adsorption Materials for Treatment of Contaminated Waters
Fastläggningsprocesser i torv som indikation på föroreningars spridning i humusrik jord
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Showing 5 research projects
dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level