Yu Xu

Doctoral Student at Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems

Yu Xu is an industrial PhD student employed by CEVT (China Euro Vehicle Technology AB). His research goal is to develop new technical solutions to increase electric vehicle powertrain system efficiency. It requires to develop models of the electric powertrain and perform simulation studies of complete electric powertrains to reach best possible efficiency in relation to expected powertrain performance and drivability. The research will provide strong support to the need of the Swedish vehicle industry when transforming into an industry based on electromobility.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Comparative study of efficiency improvement with adjustable DC-link voltage powertrain using DC-DC converter and Quasi-Z-Source inverter

Yu Xu, Anton Kersten, Par Ingelström et al
2023 IEEE Conference and Expo Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific)
Paper in proceeding

Improved efficiency with adaptive front and rear axle independently driven powertrain and disconnect functionality

Yu Xu, Anton Kersten, Simon Klacar et al
Transportation Engineering. Vol. 13
Journal article

Electric Vehicle Heating Management Techniques utilizing Drivetrain-Loss-Heating of Refrigerant

Anton Kersten, A. Andersson, Branko Ban et al
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). Vol. 2022-October
Paper in proceeding

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