Climate adapted equal Gothenburg: The digital twin as a meeting place for discussion and co-creation
Research Project, 2021

In the project we will produce showcases for how social data can be integrated into a digital twin platform developed in the Digital Twin Cities Center (DTCC). The twin is envisioned to represent equality aspects and serve as a meeting place for stakeholders discussions. Equality aspects will be explored using and selecting different  indicators based on quantitative and qualitative data related to the City of Gothenburgs’ climate contract and focus area Equality. Examples of equality aspects, indicators and data sources we will look at are:

Equality aspects: health, economy, level of education, work, housing, trust and participation.

Indicators concerning equality aspects: On a societal level - estimated life expectancy, disposable income, employment rate, overcrowding, homelessness, and institutional trust. Indicators for specific targets areas defined by the City of Gothenburg, -  distance to school or playground, well-being in the housing area, social control, accessible apartments, social isolation, safe outdoor environment, citizens opportunity to influence the development.

Data sources: Several administrative offices of the City of Gothenburg, Statistics Sweden (processed by Stadsledningskontoret), Folkhälsomyndigheten (processed by Västra Götalandsregionen), and Boverkets open data portal. We will also try to include survey results from the SOM-institute and the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society. Also data linked to climate threats and possible climate adaptations in Gothenburg (such as high water flows, rainfall) will be added.

As part of the process, we will identify which indicators to focus on, what data sources to use, and investigate how to display several parameters simultaneously. This will help to get a more comprehensive overview, to compare different situations, and to find conflicts between different areas when, for example, carrying out social impact assessments. We will also explore how the effect of different climate change and/or adaptation strategies can be visualized, analyzed and communicated in the digital platform.

Epected outcome and plan for further research and funding acquisition: The study will result in strategies, conceptual solutions, and showcases for how social data can be integrated into a digital twin by implementing some of the datasets into the DTCC platform. An important outcome for the project is to apply for a larger project. By illustrating how social consequences can be integrated in a digital twin, this project will contribute to the fulfillment of the City of Gothenburgs’ climate contract, where one of the goals is to involve the citizens in the City's climate adaptation. It is also closely linked to the strategic area “Equal Gothenburg”, the Vinnova competence center Digital Twin Cities Center (DTCC) especially RA6 “Visualization and Auralization” and RA0 “Digital Twin Platform”, and the testbed Virtual Gothenburg Lab (VGL).

In collaboration with Henrik Jutbring, Social development (Social utveckling/Social Resurs), City of Gothenburg.


Monica Billger (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Architectural theory and methods

Sanjay Somanath

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Technology

Beata Stahre Wästberg

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Interaction Design and Software Engineering

Malgorzata Zboinska

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Architectural theory and methods


City of Gothenburg

Gothenburg, Sweden


Urban Futures - Centre for Sustainable Urban Futures

Funding Chalmers participation during 2021

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