Malgorzata Zboinska
Malgorzata Zboinska is an Associate Professor in Architectural Design, Digital Technology and New Media Art. She is a licensed architect, a member of the Swedish Association of Architects and the National Chamber of Architects of Poland and an editorial board member of TAD | Technology, Architecture + Design, an international peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis, advancing research and scholarship in architecture, design and building technology. Since 2019, she is also responsible for the Robotic Fabrication Laboratory as its Development Leader.
Malgorzata Zboinska’s research is based on a hybrid crossover of architecture, technology, and art. It aims to develop alternative approaches to architectural design leveraging experimental applications of new media, computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) in connection with new developments in architecture, relating to material bioinnovation, upcycling and reuse. The aim is to generate basic and applied knowledge relevant for architectural design, to support its advances within new areas, such as sustainable and circular design, digital craft and material experimentation, creative robotics, 3D printing, and digital fabrication.
Malgorzata Zboinska's research is regularly published in top-ranked scientific journals and conference proceedings, and disseminated in the media as well as industry press. Her design research prototypes and artistic research work were showcased in Europe and North America, with major exhibitions at the Tempe Center for the Arts in the USA, Dutch Design Week in the Netherlands and Färgfabriken Center for Contemporary Art and Architecture in Sweden.

Showing 39 publications
Digital tool integrations for architectural reuse of salvaged building materials
Biobased coatings for architectural timber applied using the robotic 3D printing technique
BioArchitecture: New Futures of Sustainable Living
Aligning the analog, digital and hyperreal: Software errors as design exploration drivers
Exploring expressive and functional capacities of knitted textiles exposed to wind influence
Large-scale robotic 3D printing using biobased composites - Work Package report
Influence of a hybrid digital toolset on the creative behaviors of designers in early-stage design
Expressing and Sensing the Hybrid Materiality: Voluminous Interactive Architectural Substance
Architecture from textiles in motion
Conference Workshop 9: Textile architecture (in)formed by wind - Design processes and tools
Morphology & Development - knowledge management in architectural design computation practice
Hybrid CAD/E platform supporting exploratory architectural design
Between the digital and the material worlds: Voronoi Cupola
Embodiments: Transitions from ethereal digitality to tangible materiality
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Showing 8 research projects
Resource efficient renovation using a 3D printable material from underutilized biomass
NANO-ARCH: Nanocellulose in architecture – esthetic applications through robotic 3D printing
Climate adapted equal Gothenburg: The digital twin as a meeting place for discussion and co-creation
Mapping, Reflecting and Developing PhD-by-Design Programmes’
Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice