Monica Billger
Monica Billger, PhD, Full Professor in Architecture and Visualization at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The focus of her PhD in 1999 were the perception of Colour and Light in enclosed spaces, She turned her interest to visualization, and has now more than 20 years’ experience from research in the field of visualization of the built environment. From 2012 she became the director of Visual Arena Research, a visualization center at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg. Monica Billger has been acting as a catalyst and facilitator for generating new research projects with a special focus on the development of dialogues tools. 2020-21 she was involved in the development of the exhibition VisLabs at Universeum, a national center for science in Gothenburg. Monica is since January 2022 the director of InfraVis, a new national infrastructure for data visualization.
Showing 73 publications
MiljöVIS - Visualisering av osynliga miljömässiga och sociala faktorer i digitala modeller
Strategier för 3D-visualisering – Målkonflikter i infrastrukturprojekt
A Proposed Workflow for Conceptual Visualization Studies in Urban 3D-Models
Visualisation of traffic noise exposure and health impact in a 3D urban environment
Att synliggöra det osynliga - Kartläggning av representation av miljödata i digitala modeller
MiljöVis: Effektiv representation av miljödata i digitala modeller
Light distribution and perceived spaciousness: Light patterns in scale models
Visualisering och auralisering av buller i stadsmiljö
Lessons from co-designing a resource-recovery game for collaborative urban sanitation planning
An urban planning tool demonstrator with auralisation and visualisation of the sound environment
Experience of Spaciousness and Enclosure: Distribution of Light in Spatial Complexity
Land Use Regression Approach to Model NO2–Concentrations in a Swedish Medium-City
Visualizing environmental data for pedestrian comfort analysis in urban planning processes
User evaluation of a virtual colour laboratory as a tool for demonstrating colour appearance
Land use Regression as Method to Model Air Pollution. Previous Results for Gothenburg/Sweden
Rätt utformad LED‐belysning för bättre synkvalité
Bättre ljus i skolan minskar barnens stress
An assessment method for evaluating colour rendering properties of light sources
Visualization of Disability Glare Due to Veiling Luminance
Färg, ljus och rumslig dynamik
How to Visualize the Invisible Simulating Air Pollution Dispersions in a 3D City Model
GO Smart: An innovative solution to the seamless journey
Visualization tool for increased quality of vision
A cross-cultural comparison of colour emotion for two-colour combinations
Colour Research with Architectural Relevance: How Can Different Approaches Gain from each Other?
A Virtual Colour Laboratory - Presentation and Invitation
The influence of the applied technologies on estimating graphical representations
Developing Sketching Techniques in Virtual Reality for Better Understanding Urban Planning Processes
Analysis of cross-cultural color emotion
Färgkombinationseffekter i rum
Colour Meaning in Different Settings: Example from the fine arts and experimental colour studies
Färgkombinationseffekter i rum
Cross-Disciplinary Study in Complexity and Transformation: Transforming Aesthetics
The Effect of Culture on Colour Emotion and Preference
Färgkombinationseffekter i rum
Towards perceptual colour for virtual environments
Urban Glades: Investigating light and sound in a research by design workshop.
Research by Design - or Design as Research: Theories, methods, projects
Experience of Light, Colour ans Space in Virtual Environments
The Arbitrary Road from Reality to Virtual Reality
Colour Emotions in Larger and Smaller Scale
The Experience of the Painted Room: The Significance of Light and Colour Combinations
Virtual Environments versus a Full-Scale model for examining colours and space
Experience of Light, Colour and Space in Reality compared to Virtual Reality
Evaluation of a colour reference box as an aid for identification of colour appearance in rooms
Colour combination effects in experimental rooms
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Showing 26 research projects
FärgVis: Customized visualization for user needs with a focus on colour
RECLAIM of nutrients - digitalisation of a collaboration game for resource recovery in sanitation
Climate adapted equal Gothenburg: The digital twin as a meeting place for discussion and co-creation
SolVis (SunWise) - concept for visualizing solar power and spreading knowledge on the subject
MiljöVis - Effective representation of environmental information in infrastructure models
SCENDA: Scenario visualization of environmental data in compact cities
Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative Co-Creation (MIMIC)
Stitching the city: From micro-data to macro-views
Children as Co-Creators of the Urban Space
Hållbara och attraktiva stationssamhällen
Urban spatial planning for dark hours in Sweden Conditions and proposals for action
Bridging the Gap: Children and Planners Co-Creating the Urban Space
Properly designed LED lighting for better quality of vision
How to visualize the invisible - Visualization of environmental factors in 3D city models
Visualization in the transport area - Inventory and evaluation
Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice