Hydrogens compiled effect on the electricity system and its role in the energy and climate transition – A study of the role of hydrogen and electrofuels for the integrated energy system of the future
Research Project, 2023
– 2025
Hydrogen has potential to play a key role in mitigating negative climate impact from several sectors, e.g. electricity, transport and industry. An increased need for hydrogen will simultaneously generate challenges for the energy system, and especially the electricity system since the electrolysis process is electricity intensive. Knowledge of the system effects of increased production and use of fossil-free hydrogen is needed to understand where hydrogen can generate the greatest climate and socio-economic benefits, find synergies between sectors and avoid sub-optimization. The study intends to contribute to increased knowledge about these system effects and the role of the electricity system as an enabler of increased fossil-free hydrogen use. The system effects are analyzed through techno-economic analyzes in combination with a synthesis of results from e.g. Energiforsk's ongoing research program on hydrogen. The study will thereby contribute to the sustainable energy transition.
Maria Grahn (contact)
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Maritime Studies
Selma Brynolf
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Maritime Studies
Joel Löfving
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Maritime Studies
Profu AB
Mölndal, Sweden
Göteborg, Sweden
Swedish Energy Agency
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2025
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