Maria Grahn
Maria Grahn's research is within the area of energy systems analysis focusing on future fuels for transport, global energy systems modeling, cost-effective use of biomass, and carbon dioxide reductions. Maria has a special interest in the role of hydrogen and electrofuels (fuels produced from electricity, water and carbon dioxide), in the transport sector's transition away from fossil fuels.

Showing 85 publications
Flexibility with low environmental impact
Life-Cycle Assessment and Costing of Fuels and Propulsion Systems in Future Fossil-Free Shipping
Review of electrofuel feasibility - Prospects for road, ocean, and air transport
Sustainable fuels for shipping
Review of electrofuel feasibility - Cost and environmental impact
Techno-economic assessment of advanced fuels and propulsion systems in future fossil-free ships
Fuel choices for different transport modes when decarbonizing the scandinavian energy system
Techno-economic review of alternative fuels and propulsion systems for the aviation sector
Reviewing the development of alternative aviation fuels and aircraft propulsion systems
Criteria and Decision Support for A Sustainable Choice of Alternative Marine Fuels
Electricity as an Energy Carrier in Transport: Cost and Efficiency Comparison of Different Pathways
What electricity price would make electrofuels cost-competitive?
Electrofuels for the transport sector: A review of production costs
Electro-methane: integration aspects and cost estimates
Nordic Action for a Transformation to Low-carbon Shipping.
The role of electrofuels: A cost-effective solution for future transport?
Can electrofuels in combustion engines be cost-competitive to hydrogen in fuel cells?
Assessment of the possibilities for selected alternative fuels for the maritime sector
Electrofuels or hydrogen as marine fuel: a cost comparison
The potential for electrofuels production in Sweden utilizing fossil and biogenic CO2 point sources
Prospects for renewable marine fuels
Electrofuels: a review of pathways and production costs
Low-Carbon Transport: Health and Climate Benefits
Faktaunderlag med klimat utmaningar för Västra Götaland Ett gott liv i en fossiloberoende region
Systems perspectives on alternative future transportation fuels
Electrofuels – a possibility for shipping in a low carbon future?
Global transport biofuel futures in energy-economy modeling: a review
Hur mycket kan biodrivmedel minska utsläppen av växthusgaser?
Utilising excess power: the case of electrofuels for transport
Nyttiggörande av överskottsel: fallet elektrobränslen
Description of the global energy systems model GET-RC 6.1
Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects
Sustainable Mobility: Insights from a Global Energy Model
Future energy supply and the competiveness of electric vehicles
Cost-effective choices of marine fuels under stringent carbon dioxide targets
Climate impact of transportation: A model comparison
Transport biofuel futures in energy economy modeling: a review.
How much can biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Low-CO2 Electricity and Hydrogen: A Help or Hindrance for Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles?
Research and development challenges for Swedish biofuel actors – three illustrative examples
Methods to determine robust innovation paths for electric vehicle technology
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? - a comparison between two model based studies
Brazilian Ethanol has the Edge.
Svensk etanolsatsning är ingen effektiv klimatpolitik
Ecolabelling fuels for transport with the Swan label: A scientific background report
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? A comparison between two model-based studies
On Brazilian ethanol and the ecological footprint
Cost-effective use of biomass - A comparison between two model based studies
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Showing 24 research projects
Nordic Roadmap – Future Fuels for Shipping
Developing a transnational network of hydrogen refuelling stations for trucks - HyTruck
Hydrogen Engine Emissions Reduction (HEER)
Potential och förutsättningar för svensk sjöfarts omställning till fossilfri framdrift
Hydrogen, ammonia and battery-electric propulsion for future shipping
Potential och förutsättningar för svensk sjöfarts omställning till fossilfri framdrift.
Future fuel choices for low-carbon shipping, aviation and road transport
Sustainable aviation fuels for a carbon constrained world
Pathways towards 50% reduction of GHGs from shipping until 2050
Electricity or electrofuels for a future short sea shipping without harmful emissions
Prospects for renewable marine fuels
Transformation to low carbon shipping
Future alternative transport fuels (Future Fuels)
Kostnadseffektiva val av marina drivmedel givet hårda koldioxidminskningskrav
The role of electrofuels: a cost-effective solution for future transport?
A pre-study to prepare for interdisciplinary research on future alternative transportation fuels
Rollen av metanol från koldioxid och vatten för fartyg