Selma Brynolf
Selma’s research is within the area of energy and environmental systems analysis with emphasis on the transport sector and especially shipping. The focus is on future marine fuels, global energy systems modelling, sustainability assessment of fuels, environmental impact from a life cycle perspective, assessment of electrofuels (fuels produced from carbon dioxide and water with the help of electricity) and solutions for zero emission shipping including battery-electric and hybrid propulsion and fuel cells. The research is linked to two of Chalmers Areas of Advance Transport and Energy and parts of the research are also connected to the maritime competence centre Lighthouse.

Showing 62 publications
Decarbonising Swedish maritime transport: Scenario analyses of climate policy instruments
Life cycle assessment of a two-seater all-electric aircraft
Flexibility with low environmental impact
Heat Pump as an Emission Reduction Measure for Ships
Sustainable fuels for shipping
Life-Cycle Assessment and Costing of Fuels and Propulsion Systems in Future Fossil-Free Shipping
Review of electrofuel feasibility - Cost and environmental impact
Review of electrofuel feasibility - Prospects for road, ocean, and air transport
Techno-economic assessment of advanced fuels and propulsion systems in future fossil-free ships
Fuel choices for different transport modes when decarbonizing the scandinavian energy system
Techno-economic review of alternative fuels and propulsion systems for the aviation sector
Reviewing the development of alternative aviation fuels and aircraft propulsion systems
Criteria and Decision Support for A Sustainable Choice of Alternative Marine Fuels
The cost of innovative and sustainable future ship energy systems
Electricity as an Energy Carrier in Transport: Cost and Efficiency Comparison of Different Pathways
Electrofuels for the transport sector: A review of production costs
The role of electrofuels: A cost-effective solution for future transport?
The potential for electrofuels production in Sweden utilizing fossil and biogenic CO2 point sources
Electrofuels or hydrogen as marine fuel: a cost comparison
Prospects for renewable marine fuels
Improving environmental performance in shipping
The natural environment and human impacts
Shipping and the Environment - Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation
Electrofuels: a review of pathways and production costs
Energy efficiency and fuel changes to reduce environmental impacts
Measures to reduce discharges and emissions
Methods and Tools for Environmental Assessment.
Marine fuel alterntives for a low carbon future - market influence on the pathways selected
Electrofuels – a possibility for shipping in a low carbon future?
Fuels for short sea shipping: A comparative assessment with focus on environmental impact
Life cycle assessment of methanol and dimethyl ether (DME) as marine fuels
The influence of propulsion system design on the carbon footprint of different marine fuels
Cost-effective choices of marine fuels under stringent carbon dioxide targets
Life Cycle Assessment of fuels for short sea shipping
Environmental Assessment of Two Pathways Towards the Use of Biofuels in Shipping
Criteria for Future Marine Fuels
Environmental feasibility of biogas and biodiesel as fuel for passenger ferries
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Showing 29 research projects
Nordic Roadmap – Future Fuels for Shipping
STORM-System transition to renewable marine fuels in the Nordics-from a supply chain perspective
Hydrogen admixture in marine LNG/LBG fuels
EXIT - Externa kostnader, styrmedel och kostnadseffektiva åtgärder för att nå en hållbar sjöfart
Hydrogen Engine Emissions Reduction (HEER)
Hydrogen, ammonia and battery-electric propulsion for future shipping
Potential och förutsättningar för svensk sjöfarts omställning till fossilfri framdrift.
Is liquid bio-gas part of the solution to greenhouse gas emissions from shipping?
Life Cycle Assessment of All-Electric Aircrafts
Future fuel choices for low-carbon shipping, aviation and road transport
Sustainable aviation fuels for a carbon constrained world
Pathways towards 50% reduction of GHGs from shipping until 2050
Electricity or electrofuels for a future short sea shipping without harmful emissions
Prospects for renewable marine fuels
Future alternative transport fuels (Future Fuels)
Kostnadseffektiva val av marina drivmedel givet hårda koldioxidminskningskrav
The role of electrofuels: a cost-effective solution for future transport?
Rollen av metanol från koldioxid och vatten för fartyg
Partikelmätningar på gasmotorer för fartygsdrift