Combined Mobility Roadmap Sweden - KOMPIS
Research Project, 2017
– 2020
The purpose of the project is to support the development of combined mobility, also called Mobility as a Service - Maas, by creating favorable conditions and reduce barriers to the development and implementation of services that contribute to the fulfillment of the
Swedish transport policy objectives. Design & Human Factors are responsible for the Work Package "Impacts and Consequences". A framework as well as relevant KPIs will be developed to enable impact assessments of MaaS from an ecological, economical, and social sustainability perspective.
MariAnne Karlsson (contact)
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Design and Human Factors
Asif Akram
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Design and Human Factors
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Göteborg, Sweden
Region Västra Götaland
Vänersborg, Sweden
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Stockholm, Sweden
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Göteborg, Sweden
Project ID: 2017-02468
Funding Chalmers participation during 2017–2020
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
Driving Forces
Areas of Advance
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Driving Forces