Needs for Physical Models and Related Methods for Development of Automated Road Vehicles
Other conference contribution, 2019
The presentation will explain typical functional/control architecture for vehicles and then focus on development of the partitions Traffic Situation Management and Vehicle Motion Management, assuming that the partition Environment Observation (image processing etc.) comes in place to a certain known maturity. Models will be used with methods for on-line optimization, on-line predictive simulation, virtual off-line verification for right and faulty function, system safety, simulations for legal assessment of long combination vehicles, etc. A goal for novel methods is that, with physical non-causal models, one can avoid some of the enormous amount of verification simulations needed if only input/output (fixed causality) models are used.
Examples from heavy vehicles and passenger cars will be given; what is achieved and what are the challenges for next steps.
Bengt J H Jacobson
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Peter Nilsson
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Mats Jonasson
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Lund, Sweden,
Highly Automated Freight Transports EUTS (AutoFreight)
VINNOVA (2016-05415), 2017-04-01 -- 2020-02-29.
COVER – Real world CO2 assessment and Vehicle enERgy efficiency
VINNOVA (2017-007895), 2018-01-01 -- 2021-12-31.
Swedish Energy Agency (2017-007895), 2018-01-01 -- 2021-12-31.
Intelligent, high-performance service brake module for heavy vehicles
VINNOVA (2016-02538), 2016-08-01 -- 2020-01-10.
Highly Automated Freight Transports TSAF (AutoFreight)
VINNOVA (2016-05413), 2017-04-01 -- 2019-12-31.
Areas of Advance
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Transport Systems and Logistics
Vehicle Engineering
Embedded Systems