Bengt Jacobson
Bengt Jacobson graduated with PhD (1993) in machine elements at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, studying the dynamics of gear shifting in power-shifting transmissions. He continued research on longitudinal vehicle dynamics with dynamic modeling and control of powertrain systems, including hybrid vehicles. Based on this topic and teaching in vehicle dynamics, he was entitled as Associate Professor (1998). Dr. Jacobson was Technical Expert (2001-2010) at Volvo Car Corporation with focus on vehicle dynamics control and active safety, mainly focusing on brakes and steering. Dr. Jacobson is currently the Professor and group leader of Vehicle Dynamics group at Chalmers. (
The focus of this research group is vehicle motion in ground plane, for both passenger cars and heavy trucks. Bengt is in the board of Swedish Vehicular Engineering Association since 2012 and in the board of Heavy Vehicle Transport and Technology since 2023.

Showing 198 publications
Estimation of Accurate Path Length with Geospatial Data Analysis
A propulsion energy estimator for road vehicles
Long Combination Vehicles Reverse Strategies Based on Articulation Angle Gradient
Experimental Validation of Yaw Stability Control Strategies for Articulated Vehicle Combinations
Prediction of Drivers’ Subjective Evaluation of Vehicle Reaction Under Aerodynamic Excitations
Safe speeds for a heavy articulated vehicle when passing a floating bridge tower under crosswind
Yaw Stability Control of Vehicles Using a Slip Polytope Validated with Real Tests
Transient tyre models with a flexible carcass
Transient tire slip losses using the brush theory
2023 SVEA Vehicle Dynamics seminar
An effective Tyre to Road Friction Estimation Applied to Heavy Vehicles
Target Driven Bushing Design for Wheel Suspension Concept Development
Linear and nonlinear kinematic design of multilink suspension
Development of the Västra Götaland operating cycle for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles
Predictive Model of Driver's Perception of Vehicle Stability under Aerodynamic Excitation
An open assessment tool for standardized performance measures of long combination vehicles
Benefit Analysis of introducing electric Propulsion on Converter Dollies
Development and analysis of the two-regime transient tyre model for combined slip
An extended LuGre-brush tyre model for large camber angles and turning speeds
Drivers' Perceived Sensitivity to Crosswinds and to Low-Frequency Aerodynamic Lift Fluctuations
Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering
A method to build energy-metric-optimal (EMO) classification systems for road transport missions
Rolling, tilting and spinning spherical wheels: Analytical results using the brush theory
Brush tyre models for large camber angles and steering speeds
Upper bounds of lateral tire slip loss minimization during daily driving using torque vectoring
Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering
Steering Feedback Transparency Using Rack Force Observer
Base wake dynamics and its influence on driving stability of passenger vehicles in crosswind
A classification method of road transport missions and applications using the operating cycle format
Automated Comfortable Docking at Bus Stops
Design of a Robust Load-dependent Steering Controller for Improved High Capacity Vehicle Safety
Real-time Predictive Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Heavy Vehicles by Sequential Programming
Effects of wind loads and floating bridge motion on intercity bus lateral stability
An enhanced stochastic operating cycle description including weather and traffic models
A Brush Tyre Model with Standstill Handler for Energy Efficiency Studies
Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering
A Method to Improve Stability and Transparency for Mechanical Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
An Investigation of Longitudinal Tyre Force Observation for Slip Control System Development
Predictive Energy and Motion Management for Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Enhanced Sliding Mode Wheel Slip Controller for Heavy Goods Vehicles
Effect of floating bridge motion on vehicle ride comfort and road grip
Intrinsic differences between backward and forward vehicle simulation models
A Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamical Model for Propulsion System Tailoring
An energy efficient method to control electric propulsive system in a vehicle
Computationally Efficient Nonlinear One-and Two-Track Models for Multitrailer Road Vehicles
Methods for Reducing Highspeed Off-Tracking in Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Gain-scheduled H Controller Synthesis for Actively-steered Longer and Heavier Commercial Vehicles
Tire Lateral Vibration Considerations in Vehicle-Based Tire Testing
A statistical operating cycle description for prediction of road vehicles' energy consumption
How well a single-track linear model captures the lateral dynamics of long combination vehicles
Integration and Analysis of EPAS and Chassis System in FMI-based co-simulation
Tyre Models for Online Identification in ADAS Applications
Assessment methods of High Capacity Transports
A double interaction brush model for snow conditions
Needs for Physical Models and Related Methods for Development of Automated Road Vehicles
Evaluation of vehicle-based tyre testing methods
Validation of vehicle-based tyre testing methods
Robust Implementation of Automated Collision Avoidance Using an Updating Particle Reference
Generic framework for assessment and extraction of envelopes for long combination vehicles
A proposal for an operating cycle description format for road transport missions
Vehicle tyre to road friction value estimation arrangement
Design of Interface in Co-simulation for Electric Power Assisted Steering System Development
Echtzeitfähige Schnittstelle zur Steuerung einer lenkbaren Zwischenachse in Lang-Lkw
Modelling of optimal tyres selection for a certain truck and transport application
Design of tyre force excitation for tyre–road friction estimation
Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Energy Management in Plug-in Hybrid Heavy Vehicles
An Open Assessment Tool for Performance Based Standards of Long Combination Vehicles
Friction utilization for tyre-road friction estimation on snow: an experimental study
Improving directional stability control in a heavy truck by combining braking and steering action
Estimation of the inertial parameters of vehicles with electric propulsion
Coordination of motion actuators in heavy vehicles using Model Predictive Control Allocation
Identification of tyre characteristics using active force excitation
Optimization Based Design of Heterogeneous Truck Fleet and Electric Propulsion
Vehicle Motion Measurements Using Front Facing Camera and Digital Image Correlation
Driver Model Based Automated Driving of Long Vehicle Combinations in Emulated Highway Traffic
A joint model of vehicle, tyres, and operation for the optimization of truck tyres
Combining Coordination of Motion Actuators with Driver Steering Interaction
The influence of steering wheel size when tuning power assistance
Minimizing Vehicle Post Impact Path Lateral Deviation Using Optimized Braking and Steering Sequences
Towards Performance Based Standards in Sweden
Driver response at tyre blow-out in heavy vehicles & the importance of scrub radius
Application of An Optimal Vehicle Path Controller on Curved Roads after Collisions
Evaluation of Dynamical Behaviour of Long Heavy Vehicles Using Performance Based Characterstics
Performance Improvement for A-double Combination by introducing a Smart Dolly
Driver Response to Automatic Braking under Split Friction Conditions
Road friction effect on the optimal vehicle control strategy in two critical manoeuvres
Towards Evaluation of Post Impact Braking Function in Driving Simulator
A simple real-time aerodynamic model for vehicles in overtaking situations
An Optimal Path Controller Minimizing Longitudinal and Lateral Deviations after Light Collisions
Enhanced yaw stability control to mitigate a vehicle's abnormal yaw motion due to a disturbance
Vehicle tyre to road friction value estimation arrangement
A nonlinear post impact path controller based on optimised brake sequences
Saving Lives with V2X versus On-Board Sensing Systems -Which will be More Effective?
Quasi-linear Optimal Path Controller Applied to Post-Impact Vehicle Dynamics
Optimized brake-based control of path lateral deviation for mitigation of secondary collisions
Investigation of the Non-Convex Force Constraints Imposed by Individual Wheel Torque Allocation
Post-Impact Vehicle Path Control by Optimization of Individual Wheel Braking Sequences
Global force potential of over-actuated electric vehicles
Path and control signal optimisation for over-actuated vehicles in two safety-critical maneuvers
Investigation of the Non-Convex Force Constraints Imposed by Individual Wheel Torque Allocation
Modelling and Parameterisation of a Vehicle for Validity under Limit Handling
Sliding Mode Control for Traction Control by Brake Intervention
Gearshift Sequence Optimisation for Vehicles with Automated Non-Powershifting Transmissions
Potential of electric wheel motors as new chassis actuators for vehicle manoeuvring
Outline of a New Control Concept for Power Shifting of Fixed Step Ratio Automotive Transmissions
Optimal Control of an Automotive Powertrain System for increased Driveability
Route Adaptation of Control Strategies and Driver Assistent System for City Buses
A Systematic Way of Choosing Driveline Confriguration and Sizing Components in Hybrid Vehicles
Modelica Usage in Automotive Problem at Chalmers
Route Adaptation of control strategies for a hybrid city bus
Modelling and Simulation of an Electric Hybrid Bus in City Traffic
Modelling and Simulation of an Electric Hybrid Bus in City Traffic
Modular Modelling and Simulation Tool for Evaluation of Powertrain Performance
Control Strategies for a Hybrid Bus Adapted for a Specific Route
Modular Simulation Tool for Vehicle Propulsion
Dynamic Analysis of Planetray Gear Trains Considering Constraints and Losses
A study of Control Stratgeies in Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Systems Using Dynamic Simulation
Method for Comparison of Powertrain Concepts Using Dynamic Simulation
A Modular Model for Gear Shifting in Manual Fixed Ratio Transmissions
Dynamic Modelling of Vehicle Propulsion Systems Using the Software Dymola
On Vehicle Driving Cycle Simulation
Optimization of Gearbox Ratios Using Techniques for Dynamic Systems
Engagement of Oil Immersed Multi-disc Clutches
Influence of Oil Film in Clutches on Gear Shifts in Automatic Transmissions
Dynamic Vehicle Transmission System -- Derivation of Equations on Explicit Form
Frequency function in drivelines and vehicles performance simulation
Analysis of Shift Operations in Automatic Transmissions
Dynamic Simulation of Powershifting Transmissions
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Showing 44 research projects
MicroITS - Computational models for a safe integration of micromobility in the transport system
Utility and trust oF Electric vEhicLes (U-FEEL)
Torque vectoring for energy-efficient and safe electric vehicles
AUTOFREIGHT 2 - Efficient Transport Systems for Regional Container Transports
Guaranteed Bounds for Vehicle Motion State Estimates for automated driving
Modelling and control of complex AWD BEV architectures
Distributed Motion Control for Multi-Trailer Vehicles
High Capacity Vehicles with ELectrically PropellEd Dolly (HELPED)
AI supported road vehicle suspension design
STEP- Sustainable Transport Electric Propulsion
Aerodynamic and vehicle dynamic driving stability of passenger vehicles at high speeds
Performance Based Standards II
Steer by wire Opportunities, performance and system safety (SWOPPS)
COVER – Real world CO2 assessment and Vehicle enERgy efficiency
City bus automation - bus trains, bus stop docking and depot processes
Using i-dolly for local distribution of container trailers to logistic terminals from a dry port
Highly Automated Freight Transports EUTS (AutoFreight)
Highly Automated Freight Transports TSAF (AutoFreight)
Unsteady Aerodynamics and its Influence of Vehicle Stability
Intelligent, high-performance service brake module for heavy vehicles
Virtual Architecture for Development and Verification of Chassis Mechatronic Systems
Development of Virtual Steering Control and Steering Feel Model Reference
Tyre Sensing for Tyre Model Parametrization (TyreSens)
Improved Stability and Manoeuvrability using Electric Propulsion - phase 2
Optimal Distributed Propulsion
Innovative Engineering of Ground Vehicles with Integrated Active Chassis Systems
Operating cycle energy management (OCEAN)
Active Converter Dolly testing
Performance Based Standards for High Capacity Transports in Sweden
Estimering av fordonshastighet och väglutning i hybridfordon
Torque Sensing for Vehicle State Estimation
Active Steering Force Feedback for Commercial Heavy Vehicles
Safe corridors, high speed control of long vehicle combinations
TyreOpt - Fuel consumption reduction by tyre drag optimization
Improved Stability and Manoeuvrability using Electric Propulsion (ImprStabMan)
Post impact stability control (PISC)