Development of Virtual Steering Control and Steering Feel Model Reference
Research Project, 2016 – 2022

This project aims to develop a concept of closed loop steering feel control such that from artificial to realistic steering feedback can be provided to the driver depending on the requirements. The steering feel controller will typically consist of a higher level control (reference generator or virtual dynamics) and lower lever control (feedback). The second part of the project is to integrate this steering feel function with other lateral/steering active safety functions like Lane Keeping Aid, Pilot Assist, etc. The two broad research questions are as follows.

1. How should the steering feel be represented with a virtual model (or reference) ?

2. How should this steering feel function be interfaced to facilitate the integration with other automated steering functions ?


Fredrik Bruzelius (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Tushar Chugh

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Bengt J H Jacobson

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Matthijs Klomp

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Volvo Cars

Funding Chalmers participation during 2016–2022

European Commission (EC)

Project ID: EC/H2020/675999
Funding Chalmers participation during 2016–2022

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


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9/2/2020 2