Model-Based End-to-End Learning for Multi-Target Integrated Sensing and Communication under Hardware Impairments
Journal article, 2025
model-based learning
machine learning
integrated sensing and communication (ISAC)
orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)
Hardware impairments
José Miguel Mateos Ramos
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Christian Häger
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Musa Furkan Keskin
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Luc Le Magoarou
INSA Rennes
Henk Wymeersch
Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
15361276 (ISSN) 15582248 (eISSN)
Vol. in PressHardware-aware Integrated Localization and Sensing for Communication Systems
Swedish Research Council (VR) (2022-03007), 2023-01-01 -- 2026-12-31.
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) (FUS21-0004), 2022-06-01 -- 2027-05-31.
Physics-Based Deep Learning for Optical Data Transmission and Distributed Sensing
Swedish Research Council (VR) (2020-04718), 2021-01-01 -- 2024-12-31.
A holistic flagship towards the 6G network platform and system, to inspire digital transformation, for the world to act together in meeting needs in society and ecosystems with novel 6G services
European Commission (EC) (101095759-Hexa-X-II), 2022-12-01 -- 2025-06-30.
Areas of Advance
Information and Communication Technology
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Communication Systems
C3SE (-2020, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)