Henk Wymeersch
Henk Wymeersch is a Professor with the Communication Systems Group. He leads the area of Radio Localization and Sensing and is affiliated with the FORCE Research Center on optical communication. His research focuses on algorithm design and system analysis for localization and sensing for 5G and 6G communication systems.
Showing 472 publications
Subspace-Based Detection in OFDM ISAC Systems Under Different Constellations
OFDM-based JCAS under Attack: The Dual Threat of Spoofing and Jamming in WLAN Sensing
ELAA Near-Field Localization and Sensing with Partial Blockage Detection
Special Issue on Signal Processing for the Integrated Sensing and Communication Revolution
Unsupervised Learning for Gain-Phase Impairment Calibration in ISAC Systems
RIS-Enabled NLoS Near-Field Joint Position and Velocity Estimation under User Mobility
RIS-Enabled and Access-Point-Free Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping
Inferring Direction and Orientation from Polarized Signals: Feasibility and Bounds
Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing in 6G D-MIMO Networks
Location and Map-Assisted Wideband Phase and Time Calibration Between Distributed Antennas
Enablers toward 6G positioning and sensing
Deceptive Jamming in WLAN Sensing
Joint Detection and Localization of Multiple Moving Targets in a Distributed Radar System
Learning Gradient-Based Feed-Forward Equalizer for VCSELs
Integrated Communications and Localization for Massive MIMO LEO Satellite Systems
Multi-RIS-Enabled 3D Sidelink Positioning
Semi-Supervised End-to-End Learning for Integrated Sensing and Communications
Joint 3D User and 6D Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Localization
JrCUP: Joint RIS Calibration and User Positioning for 6G Wireless Systems
V2X Sidelink Positioning in FR1: From Ray-Tracing and Channel Estimation to Bayesian Tracking
The Integrated Sensing and Communication Revolution for 6G: Vision, Techniques, and Applications
Joint User Localization and Location Calibration of A Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
On the Statistical Relation of Ultra-Reliable Wireless and Location Estimation
6G Localization and Sensing in the Near Field: Features, Opportunities, and Challenges
A Projective Geometric View for 6D Pose Estimation in mmWave MIMO Systems
Millimeter-wave Radio SLAM: End-to-End Processing Methods and Experimental Validation
Integrated Snapshot and Filtering-based Bistatic Radio SLAM in mmWave Networks
Joint Communication and Sensing for 6G - A Cross-Layer Perspective
RIS-Aided NLoS Monostatic Sensing Under Mobility and Angle-Doppler Coupling
Experimental Validation of Single BS 5G mmWave Positioning and Mapping for Intelligent Transport
Physically Parameterized Differentiable MUSIC for DoA Estimation with Uncalibrated Arrays
Bistatic mmWave Mapping in Obstructed Environments Using Double-bounce Signals
Multi-RIS-Assisted 3D Localization and Synchronization via Deep Learning
V2X Sidelink Positioning in FR1: Scenarios, Algorithms, and Performance Evaluation
Near-field RIS-aided Localization under Channel Non-Stationarity: A Mismatched Model Approach
Interference Analysis and Modeling of Positioning Reference Signals in 5G NTN
Privacy Preservation in Delay-Based Localization Systems: Artificial Noise or Artificial Multipath?
Coverage Analysis of Joint Localization and Communication in THz Systems with 3D Arrays
RIS-aided Localization under Pixel Failures
6G RIS-aided Single-LEO Localization with Slow and Fast Doppler Effects
On the Ground and in the Sky: A Tutorial on Radio Localization in Ground-Air-Space Networks
Towards Distributed and Intelligent Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G Networks
6G Positioning and Sensing Through the Lens of Sustainability, Inclusiveness, and Trustworthiness
A Multi-Hypotheses Importance Density for SLAM in Cluttered Scenarios
AoA-Based Physical Layer Authentication in Analog Arrays under Impersonation Attacks
Set-Type Belief Propagation with Applications to Poisson Multi-Bernoulli SLAM
Modeling and Analysis of OFDM-based 5G/6G Localization under Hardware Impairments
Multicarrier ISAC: Advances in waveform design, signal processing, and learning under nonidealities
Hybrid Precoder Design for Angle-of-Departure Estimation with Limited-Resolution Phase Shifters
Distributed Intelligent Integrated Sensing and Communications: The 6G-DISAC Approach
Towards joint communication and sensing (Chapter 4)
Dirichlet Process Clustering-based Radio SLAM with Arbitrarily-Shaped Reflectors
Distributed Channel Access for Control Over Known and Unknown Gilbert-Elliott Channels
On the Impact of Phase Noise on Monostatic Sensing in OFDM ISAC Systems
Impact of Phase Noise on Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO OFDM
Estimating Initial Map Features for High-Efficiency mmWave Cellular SLAM
Spatial Signal Design for Positioning via End-to-End Learning
Guest Editorial: Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G
ESPRIT-Oriented Precoder Design for mmWave Channel Estimation
MmWave Mapping and SLAM for 5G and Beyond
Wideband mmWave Massive MIMO Channel Estimation and Localization
Positioning and Sensing in 6G: Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities
RIS-Aided Monostatic Sensing and Object Detection with Single and Double Bounce Multipath
Leveraging Ris-Enabled Smart Signal Propagation for Solving Infeasible Localization Problems
Fundamental Performance Bounds for Carrier Phase Positioning in Cellular Networks
Deep Learning for Model-Based Multi-Object Tracking
Localization, Sensing, and Their Integration with RISs
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
RIS-aided Near-Field Localization under Phase-Dependent Amplitude Variations
Uplink Joint Positioning and Synchronization in Cell-Free Deployments with Radio Stripes
Rateless Autoencoder Codes: Trading off Decoding Delay and Reliability
Model-Driven End-to-End Learning for Integrated Sensing and Communication
Misspecified Cramér-Rao Bound of RIS-Aided Localization Under Geometry Mismatch
Model-based end-to-end learning for multi-target integrated sensing and communication
Low-Complexity Channel Estimation and Localization with Random Beamspace Observations
RISs and Sidelink Communications in Smart Cities: The Key to Seamless Localization and Sensing
Bayesian Filtering for Joint Multi-User Positioning, Synchronization and Anchor State Calibration
Integrated Monostatic and Bistatic mmWave Sensing
MmWave 6D Radio Localization with a Snapshot Observation from a Single BS
Deep Learning for Model-Based Multiobject Tracking
Bayesian Integrity Monitoring for Cellular Positioning - A Simplified Case Study
RIS Position and Orientation Estimation via Multi-Carrier Transmissions and Multiple Receivers
Analysis of V2X Sidelink Positioning in sub-6 GHz
5G NLOS Positioning with Multi-Bounce Mitigation by Iterative Weighted Least Squares
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
Multistatic Sensing of Passive Targets Using 6G Cellular Infrastructure
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Integrated Sensing and Communications for Future Green Networks
Near Field Sidelink Positioning through A Single Active RIS
Monostatic Sensing with OFDM under Phase Noise: From Mitigation to Exploitation
Back-Pressure Traffic Signal Control in the Presence of Noisy Queue Information
A Primer on the Statistical Relation between Wireless Ultra-Reliability and Location Estimation
Doppler Exploitation in Bistatic mmWave Radio SLAM
Intersection Crossing of Autonomous Vehicles for Communication Links with Packet Losses
mmWave Mapping using PHD with Smoothed Track Confirmation and Multi-Bounce Suppression
Millimeter-Wave Multi-Channel Backscatter Communication and Ranging with an FMCW Radar
Optimal Spatial Signal Design for mmWave Positioning under Imperfect Synchronization
Phone signals can help you find your way in cities even without GPS
Channel Model Mismatch Analysis for XL-MIMO Systems from a Localization Perspective
Optimized Switching Between Sensing and Communication for mmWave MU-MISO Systems
A Computationally Efficient EK-PMBM Filter for Bistatic mmWave Radio SLAM
Localization Coverage Analysis of THz Communication Systems with a 3D Array
MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments
Localization via Multiple Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Equipped with Single Receive RF Chains
Frequency-domain digital predistortion for Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink
A Tutorial on Terahertz-Band Localization for 6G Communication Systems
Constrained RIS Phase Profile Optimization and Time Sharing for Near-field Localization
RIS-Enabled SISO Localization under User Mobility and Spatial-Wideband Effects
Radio Localization and Sensing - Part I: Fundamentals
Localization With Distributed MIMO Using a High-Speed Sigma-Delta-Over-Fiber Testbed
Towards Real-time Radio-SLAM via Optimal Importance Sampling
Doppler-Enabled Single-Antenna Localization and Mapping Without Synchronization
On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on RIS-aided Localization
Cooperative mmWave PHD-SLAM with Moving Scatterers
Millimeter-wave Mobile Sensing and Environment Mapping: Models, Algorithms and Validation
Learning to Estimate RIS-Aided mmWave Channels
End-to-End Learning for Integrated Sensing and Communication
Experimental Demonstration of Learned Pulse Shaping Filter for Superchannels
Radio Localization and Sensing – Part II: State-of-the-art and Challenges
Low Complexity Joint Impairment Mitigation of I/Q Modulator and PA Using Neural Networks
Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks With AOA Measurements
Beyond 5G RIS mmWave Systems: Where Communication and Localization Meet
Experimental Validation of Single Base Station 5G mm Wave Positioning: Initial Findings
Joint RIS Calibration and Multi-User Positioning
Cramér-Rao Bound Analysis of Radars for Extended Vehicular Targets With Known and Unknown Shape
RIS-Enabled Self-Localization: Leveraging Controllable Reflections With Zero Access Points
PMBM-Based SLAM Filters in 5G mmWave Vehicular Networks
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A signal processing perspective with wireless applications
Bi-Static Sensing for Near-Field RIS Localization
6G Radio Requirements to Support Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing
Learning Optimal PAM Levels for VCSEL-based Optical Interconnects
Distributed Channel Access for Control over Unknown Memoryless Communication Channels
Arbitrary Beam Pattern Approximation via RISs with Measured Element Responses
Symbol-Based Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
Model-Based End-to-End Learning for WDM Systems With Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Periodicity-Enabled Size Reduction of Symbol Based Predistortion for High-Order QAM
Low-Complexity Downlink Channel Estimation in mmWave Multiple-Input Single-Output Systems
Benchmarking and Interpreting End-to-end Learning of MIMO and Multi-User Communication
Iterated Posterior Linearization PMB Filter for 5G SLAM
Smart Wireless Environments Enabled by RISs: Deployment Scenarios and Two Key Challenges
Next Generation Multitarget Trackers: Random Finite Set Methods vs Transformer-based Deep Learning
MIMO-OFDM Joint Radar-Communications: Is ICI Friend or Foe
RIS-Enabled Localization Continuity Under Near-Field Conditions
Radio-Based Positioning and Video-Based Positioning
5G Positioning and Mapping with Diffuse Multipath
Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided mmWave MIMO Systems via Atomic Norm Minimization
Power Allocation and Parameter Estimation for Multipath-based 5G Positioning
ICI-aware parameter estimation for MIMO-OFDM radar via APES spatial filtering
Ris-Aided mmWave MIMO Radar System for Adaptive Multi-Target Localization
Chance-constrained active inference
Autoencoder-Based Unequal Error Protection Codes
mmWave Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using a Computationally Efficient EK-PHD Filter
Synchronization-free radchat for automotive radar interference mitigation
Optimizing the mmWave Channel Estimation Duration by Rate Prediction
RIS-aided joint localization and synchronization with a single-antenna mmwave receiver
Application of the Free Energy Principle to Estimation and Control
Reconfigurable, Intelligent, and Sustainable Wireless Environments for 6G Smart Connectivity
Direction Aided Multipath Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Systems
Downlink Single-Snapshot Localization and Mapping with a Single-Antenna Receiver
Radar Interference Mitigation through Active Coordination
Limited Feedforward Waveform Design for OFDM Dual-Functional Radar-Communications
An Uncertainty-Aware Performance Measure for Multi-Object Tracking
Semi-Passive 3D Positioning of Multiple RIS-Enabled Users
SISO RIS-Enabled Joint 3D Downlink Localization and Synchronization
Symbol-Based Supervised Learning Predistortion for Compensating Transmitter Nonlinearity
Near-field Localization with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Acting as Lens
Indoor Mapping with a Mobile Radar Using an EK-PHD Filter
Leveraging Location Information for RIS-aided mmWave MIMO Communications
3D Orientation Estimation with Multiple 5G mmWave Base Stations
5G Synchronization, Positioning, and Mapping from Diffuse Multipath
End-to-end Autoencoder for Superchannel Transceivers with Hardware Impairments
Over-the-fiber Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
Packet Reception Probabilities in Vehicular Communications Close to Intersections
Pro-social control of connected automated vehicles in mixed-autonomy multi-lane highway traffic
5G SLAM with Low-complexity Channel Estimation
Integration of Communication and Sensing in 6G: A Joint Industrial and Academic Perspective
Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation via Multi-Hop Cooperative Radar Communications
Radar Sensing with OTFS: Embracing ISI and ICI to Surpass the Ambiguity Barrier
Position Information from Reflecting Surfaces
High-dimensional Channel Estimation for Simultaneous Localization and Communications
Positioning and Sensing for Vehicular Safety Applications in 5G and Beyond
RadChat: Spectrum Sharing for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation
Peak Sidelobe Level Based Waveform Optimization for OFDM Joint Radar-Communications
6G Vision, Value, Use Cases and Technologies from European 6G Flagship Project Hexa-X
Multiple Model Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mixture for 5G Mapping
Simultaneous localization and mapping in millimeter wave networks with angle measurements
5G mmWave Cooperative Positioning and Mapping Using Multi-Model PHD Filter and Map Fusion
Distributed Radar-aided Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Beyond 5G Wireless Localization with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Optimization of Transmitter-Side Signal Rotations in the Presence of Laser Phase Noise
Adaptive Beamforming Design for mmWave RIS-Aided Joint Localization and Communication
Optimisation-based coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections
Tensor Decomposition-based Beamspace Esprit Algorithm for Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval
Optimization-based Coordination of Connected, Automated Vehicles at Intersections
Comparison of Automotive FMCW and OFDM Radar Under Interference
Radar Interference Mitigation for Automated Driving: Exploring Proactive Strategies
5G SLAM Using the Clustering and Assignment Approach with Diffuse Multipath
On the feasibility of situational awareness in millimeter wave massive MIMO systems
Exploiting Diffuse Multipath in 5G SLAM
Large Intelligent Surface for Positioning in Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems
Distributed Direct Localization Suitable for Dense Networks
Stepped-Carrier OFDM V2V Resource Allocation for Sensing and Communication Convergence
Benchmarking End-to-end Learning of MIMO Physical-Layer Communication
Can Automotive Radars Form Vehicular Networks?
Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided mmWave MIMO Systems
Performance Analysis for Autonomous Vehicle 5g-Assisted Positioning in GNSS-Challenged Environments
Cooperative localization with angular measurements and posterior linearization
5G multi-BS positioning with a single-antenna receiver
Decentralized Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Filtering for Vehicle Tracking
Localization Error Bounds for 5G mmWave Systems under I/Q Imbalance
Low-Complexity 5G Slam with CKF-PHD Filter
Joint CKF-PHD Filter and Map Fusion for 5G Multi-cell SLAM
Adaptive detection probability for mmWave 5G SLAM
Altruistic Control of Connected Automated Vehicles in Mixed-Autonomy Multi-Lane Highway Traffic
Single-anchor two-way localization bounds for 5G mmWave systems
A Fisher information analysis of joint localization and synchronization in near field
Learning Physical-Layer Communication with Quantized Feedback
Residual Neural Networks for Digital Predistortion
Self-Aware Swarm Navigation in Autonomous Exploration Missions
Multi-Panel Sparse Base Station Design with Physical Antenna Effects in Massive MU-MIMO
Method for Reducing Mutual Interference in Radars
5G downlink multi-beam signal design for LOS positioning
Fast in-Band Position-Aided Beam Selection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO
Decentralized Scheduling for Cooperative Localization With Deep Reinforcement Learning
A survey on 5G massive MIMO Localization
On the Impact of Intercore Skew on Joint-Core Carrier-Phase Estimation
Towards a Generic Model for MU-MIMO Analysis Including Mutual Coupling and Multipath Effects
Bayesian Linear Regression on Deep Representations
Theoretical Limits on Cooperative Positioning in Mixed Traffic
Localization and Throughput Trade-Off in a Multi-User Multi-Carrier mm-Wave System
High-Accuracy Joint Position and Orientation Estimation in Sparse 5G mmWave channel
Tracking Position and Orientation Through Millimeter Wave Lens MIMO in 5G Systems
Millimeter-Wave Downlink Positioning with a Single-Antenna Receiver
Iterative Detection and Phase-Noise Compensation for Coded Multichannel Optical Transmission
Localization and communication resource budgeting for multi-user mm-wave MIMO
Radar communications for combating mutual interference of FMCW radars
Multisensor Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Filter for Joint Target-Sensor State Tracking
Freeway Traffic Jam Mitigation via Connected Automated Vehicles
Massive MIMO is a reality—What is next?: Five promising research directions for antenna arrays
On the Performance of Joint-Core Carrier-Phase Estimation in the Presence of Intercore Skew
Harnessing NLOS Components for Position and Orientation Estimation in 5G Millimeter Wave MIMO
Robust trajectory planning of autonomous vehicles at intersections with communication impairments
Joint Phase Tracking for Multicore Transmission with Correlated Phase Noise
Improved lower bounds on mutual information accounting for nonlinear signal–noise interaction
Achievable Information Rates for Nonlinear Fiber Communication via End-to-end Autoencoder Learning
Localization Optimal Multi-user Beamforming with multi-carrier mmWave MIMO
Radar Communications: A solution for mitigating automotive radar interference
Buffer-Aided Model Predictive Controller to Mitigate Model Mismatches and Localization Errors
Cooperative Localization of Vehicles without Inter-vehicle Measurements
Performance Analysis of Hybrid 5G-GNSS Localization
Distributed Two-Way Localization Bounds for 5G mmWave Systems
Beyond GNSS: Highly accurate localization for cooperative-intelligent transport systems
5G mmWave Downlink Vehicular Positioning
Toward a Standard-Compliant Implementation for Consensus Algorithms in Vehicular Networks
Impact of Rough Surface Scattering on Stochastic Multipath Component Models
5GCAR project D3.1 Intermediate 5G V2X Radio
Improved Pedestrian Detection under Mutual Interference by FMCW Radar Communications
Impact of Imperfect Beam Alignment on the Rate-Positioning Trade-Off
A timer-based distributed channel access mechanism in networked control systems
Remote Control of Automated Vehicles over Unreliable Channels
5G mm Wave Downlink Vehicular Positioning
Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks
Novel Solution for Multi-connectivity 5G-mmW Positioning
Impact of Communication Frequency on Remote Control of Automated Vehicles
A Solution for Removing Automotive Radar Interference: Radar Communications
Optimal Precoders for Tracking the AoD and AoA of a mmWave Path
Performance of location and orientation estimation in 5G mmWave systems: Uplink vs downlink
Position and Orientation Estimation through Millimeter Wave MIMO in 5G Systems
Joint Localization and Mapping through Millimeter Wave MIMO in 5G Systems
Error Bounds for Uplink and Downlink 3D Localization in 5G Millimeter Wave Systems
Channel Prediction with Location Uncertainty for Ad-Hoc Networks
Collision-Aware Communication for Intersection Management of Automated Vehicles
Delay-Accuracy Tradeoff in Opportunistic Time-of-Arrival Localization
Multiple Target Tracking With Uncertain Sensor State Applied To Autonomous Vehicle Data
Location-Aided Pilot Contamination Avoidance for Massive MIMO Systems
Tensor Decomposition Based Beamspace ESPRIT for Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation
Synchronization and Localization in Wireless Networks
Collaborative Sensor Network Localization: Algorithms and Practical Issues
On the convergence of driver centric zone pricing for traffic networks
Transmitter Beam Selection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO with In-Band Position-Aiding
MULTI-POS: Lessons learnt from fellows and supervisors
Fine-Grained Reliability for V2V Communications around Suburban and Urban Intersections
Machine learning under the spotlight
Distributed channel prediction for multi-agent systems
Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks without Explicit Position Information
Fine-Grained vs. Average Reliability for V2V Communications around Intersections
On the trade-off between positioning and data rate for mm-wave communication
Cooperative Simultaneous Localization and Synchronization in Mobile Agent Networks
On the Resource Allocation Problem in Wireless Networked Control Systems
Power Allocation for OFDM Wireless Network Localization Under Expectation and Robustness Constraints
MULTI-POS: Multi-technology positioning professionals training network
Predictive Resource Allocation Evaluation with Real Channel Measurements
Network traffic flow optimization under performance constraints
5G mm-Wave Positioning for Vehicular Networks
Enhanced Vehicle Positioning in Cooperative ITS by Joint Sensing of Passive Features
Joint Assignment of Power, Routing, and Spectrum in Static Flexible-Grid Networks
Vehicular Transmission Reliability over Blind Intersections
Formation control of multi-agent systems with location uncertainty
An Asynchronous Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections
A comparison of Bayesian localization methods in the presence of outliers
Pilot Distributions for Phase Tracking in Space-Division Multiplexed Systems
Direct Localization for Massive MIMO
Introduction and book structure
Novel Algorithms for High-Accuracy Joint Position and Orientation Estimation in 5G mmWave Systems"
Traffic flow optimization with QoS constrained network admission control
Phase-Noise Compensation for Spatial-Division Multiplexed Transmission
Robust Location-Aided Beam Alignment in Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO
Comparison of different beamtraining strategies from a rate-positioning trade-off perspective
Target Tracking in Confined Environments with Uncertain Sensor Positions
Random-phase beamforming for initial access in millimeter-wave cellular networks
Multiple access control in wireless networks
Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: Toward safer and more efficient road transportation
Channel gain prediction for multi-agent networks in the presence of location uncertainty
Distributed Localization and Tracking of Mobile Networks Including Noncooperative Objects
Stochastic Digital Backpropagation with Residual Memory Compensation
Sensitivity Comparison of Time Domain Hybrid Modulation and Rate Adaptive Coding
Spatial Wireless Channel Prediction under Location Uncertainty
Blind sub-Nyquist GNSS signal detection
Tight Two-Dimensional Outer-Approximations of Feasible Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks
On Proactive Caching with Demand and Channel Uncertainties
Location-aided mm-wave channel estimation for vehicular communication
LAPRA: Location-aware Proactive Resource Allocation
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications with Urban Intersection Path Loss Models
Back Pressure Traffic Signal Control with Fixed and Adaptive Routing for Urban Vehicular Network
An approximate solution to the optimal coordination problem for autonomous vehicles at intersections
Distributed estimation with information-seeking control in agent networks
Hybrid Cooperative Positioning in Harsh Environments
Characterizing the Worst-Case Position Error in Bearing-Only Target Localization
Guest editorial: Location-awareness for radios and networks, part i
Cooperative localization with information-seeking control
A Stochastic Geometry Model for Vehicular Communication near Intersections
Code Rate Optimization in Elastic Optical Networks
Link-Level Resource Allocation for Flexible-Grid Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
Robust power allocation for OFDM wireless network localization
Backward particle message passing
Power Optimization in Nonlinear Flexible-Grid Optical Networks
5G Position and Orientation Estimation through Millimeter Wave MIMO
On the Use of Factor Graphs in Optical Communications
Cooperative intersection collision avoidance in a constrained communication environment
Resource Allocation for Flexible-Grid Optical Networks With Nonlinear Channel Model
On geometric upper bounds for positioning algorithms in wireless sensor networks
Location-Aided Pilot Contamination Elimination for Massive MIMO Systems
Guest editorial Location-awareness for radios and networks, Part II
Joint scheduling and localization in UWB networks
Nonlinear Impairment-Aware Static Resource Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks
Traffic-adaptive Signal Control and Vehicle Routing Using a Decentralized Back-pressure Method
Location-Aware Formation Control in Swarm Navigation
Resource Allocation in Nonlinear Flexible-Grid Fiber-Optic Networks
Nonlinear impairment aware resource allocation in elastic optical networks
On the separation of timescales in radio-based positioning
UWB Positioning with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Filters
Belief consensus algorithms for fast distributed target tracking in wireless sensor networks
Cooperative Synchronization in Wireless Networks
On Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detectors for Single-channel Coherent Optical Communications
Signal processing techniques for anywhere, anytime positioning
Communication analysis for centralized intersection crossing coordination
Cooperative receding horizon conflict resolution at traffic intersections
Multi-Step Sensor Selection with Position Uncertainty Constraints
Location-aware Communications for 5G Networks
Cooperative simultaneous localization and synchronization: Toward a low-cost hardware implementation
Upper bounds on position error of a single location estimate in wireless sensor networks
Device-Free Person Detection and Ranging in UWB Networks
Stochastic digital backpropagation: Unifying digital backpropagation and the MAP criterion
Robust Link Scheduling with Channel Estimation and Location Information
Stochastic Digital Backpropagation
Distributed Compressed Sensing for Sensor Networks with Packet Erasures
Locally-Optimized Reweighted Belief Propagation for Decoding Finite-Length LDPC codes
Simultaneous Sensor Localization and Target Tracking in Mine Tunnels
MCRB for Timing and Phase Offset for Low-Rate Optical Communication with Self-Phase Modulation
Distributed Bounding of Feasible Sets in Cooperative Wireless Network Positioning
On the Trade-off Between Accuracy and Delay in Cooperative UWB Navigation
MAC Delay in Belief Consensus for Distributed Tracking
On nonlinearly-induced noise in single-channel optical links with digital backpropagation
The Impact of Cooperative Localization on Achieving Higher-Level Goals
Simultaneous localization and tracking via real-time nonparametric belief propagation
Methodology for Power-Aware Coherent Receiver Design
On the Trade-off Between Accuracy and Delay in UWB navigation
Extending Digital Backpropagation to Account for Noise
An Experimental Study of UWB Device-Free Person Detection and Ranging
Comparison of Reweighted Message Passing Algorithms for LDPC Decoding
Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation using Location Information
Comparison of message passing algorithms for cooperative localization under NLOS conditions
Factor graph based detection approach for high-mobility OFDM systems with large FFT modes
A Machine Learning Approach to Ranging Error Mitigation for UWB Localization
A Discrete-Time Model for Uncompensated Single-Channel Fiber-Optical Links
A Comparison of Parametric and Sample-Based Message Representation in Cooperative Localization
Cooperative multipath-aided indoor localization
Cooperative localization with 802.15.4a CSS radios: Robustness to node failures
Distributed target tracking based on belief propagation consensus
Uniformly Reweighted Belief Propagation for Estimation and Detection in Wireless Networks
Modified Cramer-Rao Bound for Clock Recovery in the Presence of Self-Phase Modulation
Maximum Likelihood-Based Blind Dispersion Estimation for Coherent Optical Communication
Censoring for Bayesian Cooperative Positioning in Dense Wireless Networks
Peer-to-Peer Cooperative Positioning
The Limits of Digital Backpropagation in Nonlinear Coherent Fiber-Optical Links
A Network Traffic Reduction Method for Cooperative Positioning
Comparison of polarization-switched QPSK and polarization-multiplexed QPSK at 30 Gbit/s
Wireless network positioning as a convex feasibility problem
Measurement of the Phase Noise Tracking Capability of a Digital Coherent Receiver
Modified constant modulus algorithm for polarization-switched QPSK
Bayesian Outlier Detection in Location-aware Wireless Networks
Uniformly reweighted belief propagation for distributed Bayesian hypothesis testing
Robust Distributed Positioning Algorithms for Cooperative Networks
An ML-based Detector for Optical Communication in the Presence of Nonlinear Phase Noise
Hybrid GNSS-terrestrial cooperative positioning based on particle filter
CMA Misconvergence in Coherent Optical Communication for Signals Generated from a Single PRBS
Iterative ICI cancellation based on factor graphs for large FFT sizes
Novel ICI suppressing receiver for high-mobility DVB-T2 reception with large FFT modes
Uniformly Reweighted Belief Propagation: A Factor Graph Approach
Stochastic Backpropagation for Coherent Optical Communications
Optimized Iterative (Turbo) Reception for QAM OFDM with CFO over Unknown Double-Selective Channels
Hybrid Cooperative Positioning based on Distributed Belief Propagation
Convergence Comparison of the CMA and ICA for Blind Polarization Demultiplexing
Localization in mobile wireless and sensor networks
Censored Cooperative Positioning for Dense Wireless Networks
NLOS identification and mitigation for UWB localization based on experimental data
Fundamental Limits of Wideband Localization— Part II: Cooperative Networks
Operational Regime of Symbol-by-Symbol Phase Noise Estimation for POLMUX 16-QAM
Hybrid GNSS-terrestrial cooperative positioning via distributed belief propagation
Cramer-Rao Bound for Hybrid GNSS-Terrestrial Cooperative Positioning
Code-Aided Maximum-Likelihood Ambiguity Resolution Through Free-Energy Minimization
The Impact of Self-Phase Modulation on Digital Clock Recovery in Coherent Optical Communication
Nonparametric obstruction detection for UWB localization
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Showing 43 research projects
Distributed Multi-Modal Traffic Monitoring with 6G Networks: from Compression to Semantics
High-Definition Distributed MIMO Positioning and Sensing for 6G (HDD-MIMO)
Near-field Enhanced Accuracy Tracking for 6G Networks (NEAT-6G)
Coordinated 5G LEO-5G cellular positioning for improved safety functions in heavy vehicles
Secure 5G/6G radio positioning and sensing for transport systems
Location Integrity and Security for Beyond 5G Systems
Hardware-aware Integrated Localization and Sensing for Communication Systems
Integrated Sensing, Localization, and Communications in 6G THz Systems
Joint Radar and Communication for Next-Generation Automotive Applications
Deep multi-object tracking for self-driving vehicles
6G Artificial Intelligence Radar
Reconfigurable Intelligent Sustainable Environments for 6G Wireless Networks
Improving road safety by high-frequency 5G localization and sensing
A New Waveform for Joint Radar and Communications Beyond 5G
ALTRA-5G: Altruistic Traffic Coordination over 5G
Unlocking the Full-dimensional Fiber Capacity
Vehicular Communication for Safety-critical Applications
Combined Radar-Based Communication and Interference Mitigation for Automotive Applications
Smart indoor logistics (SIL): technology, business, and acceptance
Multi-dimensional Signal Processing with Frequency Comb Transceivers
Autonomous and Connected Trucks for Electric Distribution (ACTED)
Safety aware vehicular routing using on-car sensors
Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation (5GCAR)
Massive MIMO location for 5G networks, MassLOC
A High-Sensitive Green Localization System for High-Speed Self-Driving Vehicles (GREENLOC)
Geographic mapping of radio signals (MapCOM)
EU-MARSS-5G Project: Modeling and Analysis of Random Spatial Systems for 5G Networks
MIMOptics: Multi-mode coherent fiber-optical communications
Serving Foreseeable Traffic in Cognitive Networks: Statistical Learning and Resource Allocation
Adaptive optical networks: Theory and algorithms for system optimization
Multi-technology positioning professionals (MULTI-POS)
Cooperative Situational Awareness for Wireless Networks (COOPNET)
Power-efficient terabit/s transmission
Robust and Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Positioning