APEX Band T2: A 1.25 – 1.39 THz Waveguide Balanced HEB Receiver
Paper in proceeding, 2008

A waveguide 1.25 - 1.39 THz Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) balanced receiver was successfully developed, characterized and installed at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope. The receiver employs a quadrature balanced scheme using a waveguide 90-degree 3 dB RF hybrid, HEB mixers and a 180-degree IF hybrid. The HEB mixers are based on ultrathin NbN film deposited on crystalline quartz with a MgO buffer layer. Integrated into the multi-channel APEX facility receiver (SHeFI), the results presented here demonstrate exceptional performance; a receiver noise temperature of 1000 K measured at the telescope at the center of the receiver IF band 2-4 GHz, and at an LO frequency of 1294 GHz. Stability of the receiver is in line with the SIS mixer bands of the SHeFI, and gives a spectroscopic Allan time of more than 200 s at 1382 GHz with a noise bandwidth of 1 MHz.

Terahertz waveguide

hot electron bolometer mixer

balanced waveguide mixer

radio astronomy instrumentation


Denis Meledin

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Vincent Desmaris

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Sven-Erik Ferm

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Mathias Fredrixon

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Doug Henke

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Igor Lapkin

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Olle Nyström

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Miroslav Pantaleev

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, National Facility for Radio Astronomy

Alexey Pavolotskiy

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Magnus Strandberg

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Erik Sundin

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Victor Belitsky

Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Advanced Receiver Development

Proceedings of The 19th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON)

Vol. part I 162-166

Subject Categories

Materials Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Physical Sciences

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering

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