Adam Persson
Visar 18 publikationer
A time-domain model for unsteady upwind sail aerodynamics using the indicial response method
Dynamic Performance Prediction for Wind-Powered Ships
Multi-wing sails interaction effects
Split-Flaps – a Way to Improve the Heel Stability of T-Foil Supported Craft
Split-flaps for increased heel stability of t-foil configurations
Optimization of the Internal Structure and Shape of a 470 Dinghy Centerboard
A Customised Finn Dinghy Rudder for Optimal Olympic Performance
An improved procedure for strongly coupled prediction of sailing yacht performance
A New Systematic Series of Foil Sections with Parallel Sides
Performance Prediction of Wind Propulsion Systems using 3D CFD and Route Simulation
Performance evaluation and ranking of 7 rudders for the Finn dinghy
Performance Evaluation and Ranking of 7 Rudders for the Finn Dinghy
CFD prediction of steady and unsteady upwind sail aerodynamics
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