Malin E S Löfving

Visar 22 publikationer


Design and Application of a Development Map for Aligning Strategy and Automation Decisions in Manufacturing SMEs

Malin E S Löfving, Peter Almström, Caroline Jarebrant et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 689 AICT, p. 228-241
Paper i proceeding

Guide for Automation of Low Volume Production

Malin E S Löfving, Peter Almström, Caroline Jarebrant et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 13, p. 13-23
Paper i proceeding

Guide för flexibel automation av lågvolymproduktion

Peter Almström, Johan Frisk, Caroline Jarebrant et al
Rapport - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Evaluation of flexible automation for small batch production

Malin E S Löfving, Peter Almström, Caroline Jarebrant et al
Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. 25, p. 177-184
Paper i proceeding

Manufacturing strategy formulation, leadership style and organizational culture in small and medium-sized enterprises

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. Vol. 30 (5), p. 306-325
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Homogeneity of manufacturing choices in subcontractor SMEs

Malin E S Löfving
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 27 (2), p. 261-286
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Manufacturing strategy frameworks suitable for SMEs

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 25 (1), p. 7-26
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The use of a manufacturing strategy tool and the role of national culture

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth et al
Proceedings of the 21st EurOMA Conference on Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, June 20th-25th, Palermo, Italy
Paper i proceeding

Usability of a manufacturing strategy framework developed for SMEs

Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth, Malin E S Löfving
Proceedings of the 6th Swedish Production Symposium
Paper i proceeding

Development of a manufacturing strategy framework for SMEs

Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth, Malin E S Löfving
Proceedings of the 21st EurOMA Conference on Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, June 20th-25th, Palermo, Italy
Paper i proceeding

The role of contextual factors for manufacturing strategy formulation in SMEs

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of 20th EurOMA conference
Paper i proceeding

Leadership style, organization culture and manufacturing strategy formulation - Empirical evidence from Swedish SMEs

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Production Research, CPR 2013, Parana, Brazil, 28 July - 1 August 2013
Paper i proceeding

A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME

Mats Winroth, Kristina Säfsten, Malin E S Löfving et al
Proceedings of POMS 23rd Annual Conference "Socially Responsible Operations", April 20-23, 2012, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Paper i proceeding

Requirements on manufacturing strategy frameworks for SMME

Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth, Malin E S Löfving
Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Nov. 6-8, Linköping, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Manufacturing strategy formulation process - evidence from SMEs

Malin E S Löfving, Kristina Säfsten, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Production & Operations Management, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1-5
Paper i proceeding

Classification of Competitive Priorities in Small and Medium sized Manufacturing Enterprises

Malin E S Löfving, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium 2008
Paper i proceeding

Are small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises a homogenous group? - An empirical study of manufacturing characteristics

Malin E S Löfving, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of FAIM 2008, Skövde, Sweden, June 30-July 2
Paper i proceeding

Manufacturing Characteristics of Subcontractor SMME:s - an Empirical Study

Malin E S Löfving, Christer Johansson, Mats Winroth
Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Tokyo, Japan, May 26-28
Paper i proceeding

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