Malin E S Löfving
Visar 22 publikationer
Guide for Automation of Low Volume Production
Guide för flexibel automation av lågvolymproduktion
Evaluation of flexible automation for small batch production
Homogeneity of manufacturing choices in subcontractor SMEs
Manufacturing strategy frameworks suitable for SMEs
The use of a manufacturing strategy tool and the role of national culture
Manufacturing strategy formulation in small and medium-sized enterprises
Usability of a manufacturing strategy framework developed for SMEs
Development of a manufacturing strategy framework for SMEs
The role of contextual factors for manufacturing strategy formulation in SMEs
A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME
Requirements on manufacturing strategy frameworks for SMME
Manufacturing strategy formulation process - evidence from SMEs
Classification of Competitive Priorities in Small and Medium sized Manufacturing Enterprises
Manufacturing Characteristics of Subcontractor SMME:s - an Empirical Study
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