Anna Furberg
Visar 24 publikationer
Human health impacts of natural diamond production
Screening Environmental Impact Reduction Enabled by Brass Reclamation through Hot Forging Operations
Screening Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Natural Diamond Mining and Processing
What are the Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Synthetic Diamond?
Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Synthetic Diamond Production
Environmental life cycle assessment of cemented carbide (WC-Co) production
Using DALY for Assessing Human Health Impacts of Conflict Minerals
Societal flows of cemented tungsten carbide – the case of tire studs
Live and Let Die? Life Cycle Human Health Impacts from the Use of Tire Studs
Proxy Measures for Simplified Environmental Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials
Do Tire Studs in Cars Save or Take Lives? A Life Cycle Assessment on Human Health Impacts
Quantifying emissions and environmental risks of cemented carbide (WC) nanoparticles from tire studs
Risk scoring and ranking of nanomaterials – a way forward?
Review of Screening Risk Assessment Methods for Nanomaterials
Towards circular flows of tungsten - Characterizing dissipation
Very Small Flows? Review of the Societal Metabolism of Nanomaterials
Assessing impacts of tungsten carbide: A substance and particle flow analysis
Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals - Effects on Fish in a Swedish River
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Mistra Environmental Nanosafety fas II