Åsa Östlund
Visar 16 publikationer
The CO2 capturing ability of cellulose dissolved in NaOH(aq) at low temperature
Modification of crystallinity and pore size distribution in coagulated cellulose films
Non-protein binding theranostic agents for breast cancer treatment
Cyclodextrin-grafted cellulose: Physico-chemical characterization
NMR cryoporometry to study the fiber wall structure and the effect of drying
Chemical Shift Imaging NMR to track gel formation
Physico-Chemical Properties of Plant Polysaccharides Investigated with NMR Techniques
UV Induced Cross-linking of Starch Modified with Glycidyl Methacrylate
Dissolution and gellation of cellulose in TBAF/DMSO solutions: The role of fluoride ions and water
Comparison of PEI-PEG and PLL-PEG Copolymer Coatings on the Prevention of Protein Fouling
New wood fiber-based products through alteration of kraft pulp characteristics
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