Samuel Brohede
Visar 34 publikationer
Methane emissions from industrial activities using drones
Mobile optical measurements of emissions and fenceline concentrations from oil and gas production
Climatologies of stratospheric short-lived species from Odin/SMR: Methodology for ClO
Characterizing sampling biases in the trace gas climatologies of the SPARC Data Initiative
OSIRIS: A Decade of Scattered Light
Fast NO2 retrievals from Odin-OSIRIS limb scatter measurements
Odin håller ett öga på atmosfären
Evolution of stratospheric ozone and water vapour time series studied with satellite measurements
A study of ozone depletion in the 2004/2005 Arctic winter based on data from Odin/SMR and Aura/MLS
Validation of NO2 and NO from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)
Odin stratospheric proxy NOy measurements and climatology
A stratospheric NO2 climatology from Odin/OSIRIS limb-scatter measurements
Status of the Odin/OSIRIS stratospheric O3 and NO2 data products
Internal consistency in the Odin stratospheric ozone products
Validation of Odin/OSIRIS stratospheric NO2 profiles
Vertical profiles of lightning-produced NO2 enhancements in the upper troposphere observed by OSIRIS
Polar Vortex Evolution during the 2002 Antarctic Major Warming as Observed by the Odin Satellite
Stratospheric effects of energetic particle precipitation in 2003-2004
The OSIRIS Instrument on the Odin Spacecraft
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