Martine Buser

Docent vid Byggnadsdesign

Martine är docent på avdelningen för construction management på Chalmers. Martine forskar i social och ekologisk hållbarhet och diversitetsledningsfrågar. Forskningsintresset inkluderar innovation och affärsutvecklingsprocesser inom samhällsbyggnad. Hon föreläser om kunskapshantering, organisationskunskap och kvalitativa forskningsmetoder.

Image of Martine Buser

Visar 50 publikationer


Categorizing construction waste: Closing the gap between European waste regulation and management practices

Andreas De Gier, Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb, Martine Buser
Sustainable Futures. Vol. 7
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Impact of the EU Taxonomy of Sustainable Finance on the Building Field

Christian Koch, Martine Buser, Rickard Andersson
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, p. 283-296
Paper i proceeding

Addressing minority discrimination in a master’s education program for construction management

Martine Buser, Dimosthenis Kifokeris
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, p. 33-46
Paper i proceeding


Martine Buser, Rickard Andersson
Proceedings of the 39th Annual ARCOM Conference: Constructing for the Future, ARCOM 2023, p. 711-720
Paper i proceeding

Do what I say, not what I do: increasing the representation of minorities in the construction sector

Martine Buser, Dimosthenis Kifokeris
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), p. 166-175
Paper i proceeding

From waste to resource management? Construction and demolition waste management through the lens of institutional work

Rickard Andersson, Martine Buser
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 40 (6), p. 477-496
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

From concept to practice: Implementation of circular building as a process of translation

Martine Buser, Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb, Andreas De Gier et al
Proceedings of the 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2021, p. 584-593
Paper i proceeding

Circular building and new business models: What opportunity for the contractors?

Martine Buser, Rickard Andersson
Proceedings of the 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2021, p. 604-613
Paper i proceeding

On the road to nowhere? The challenges of aligning construction and demolition waste practices with circular economy

Rickard Andersson, Martine Buser
ARCOM 2020 - Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 36th Annual Conference 2020 - Proceedings, p. 536-545
Paper i proceeding

Good enough quality: Multiple quality cultures in a Swedish region

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
ARCOM 2020 - Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 36th Annual Conference 2020 - Proceedings, p. 465-474
Paper i proceeding

Developing New Sustainable Strategy: The Struggle of Small and Medium Swedish Contractors Companies to Experiment with Business Models

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Journal of Business models. Vol. 8 (2), p. 101-114
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Improving renovation waste management in Sweden: The role of the demolition company

Rickard Andersson, Martine Buser, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019 - Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference, p. 84-93
Paper i proceeding

Implementing sustainable facility management: Challenges and barriers encountered by Scandinavian FM practitioners

Marit Store-Valen, Martine Buser
Facilities. Vol. 37 (9-10), p. 550-570
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Interactive shaping of expertise: The play between house-owner and sme contractors negotiating renovation

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson, Christian Koch
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019 - Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference. Vol. 2019, p. 104-113
Paper i proceeding

Improving the implementation of sustainable facilities management: the role of end-users in realising energy efficient solutions

Martine Buser, Marit Store-Valen, Mattias Straub et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Creating State of the Art? A Passive House University Hospital North of the Polar Circle

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
Cold Climate HVAC 2018, p. 1065-1073
Paper i proceeding

Attributing value to waste: the difficult road to efficient waste management for renovation projects

Martine Buser, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema
Proceeding of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, p. 118-128
Paper i proceeding

Barriers To And Challenges Of Sustainable Facilities Management Practices – Experiences From The Nordic Countries

Marit Støre-Valen, Martine Buser
Ruddock, L, Van-Dijk, H and Houghton, CAM, (eds.) 2017, International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment - conference proceedings, University of Salford, Salford, UK, p. 356-368
Paper i proceeding

Construction and Demolition Waste Management on the building site: a literature review.

Petra Bosch-Sijtsema, Martine Buser
33rd Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2017; Fitzwilliam CollegeCambridge; United Kingdom; 4 September 2017 through 6 September 2017, p. 269-278
Paper i proceeding

Defining education to support sustainable operation of buildings in the Nordic Countries

Martine Buser, Marit Støre-Valen, Erling Buus Olsen et al
9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Vol. 22, p. 69-78
Paper i proceeding

What you see is not what you get: Single-family house renovation and energy retrofit seen through the lens of sociomateriality

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 35 (5), p. 276-287
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

From construction waste to business value: Defining new value propositions for construction contractors.

Martine Buser, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema
Proceedings to NFF (Nordic Academy of Management) conference, August 2017
Paper i proceeding

Developing The Social Aspects Of Sustainable Facilities Management: A Multi-Country Summer School Project

Martine Buser, Marit Støre-Valen
Ruddock, L, Van-Dijk, H and Houghton, CAM, (eds.) 2017, International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment - conference proceedings, University of Salford, Salford, UK, p. 461-471
Paper i proceeding

Engineering companies strategizing globalisation

Martine Buser, Christian Koch, Petra Bosch
ARCOM Conference Manchester, September 2016, p. 1089-1098
Paper i proceeding

Teknikkonsulter med och utan globaliseringsstrategier - en förstudie

Petra Bosch, Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Kortrapport om forskning, CMB (2016: nr 1)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Sitting between two chairs: Introducing social sustainability in three large Swedish contractor companies

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2015, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2015, p. 397-406
Paper i proceeding

Stepping out of the canvas: Small construction enterprises experimenting with business models

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Copenhagen DK, August 2015
Paper i proceeding

Renewing renovation: Looking at renovation of owners occupied houses with socio-materiality lenses.

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Proceedings of the 31st annual ARCOM conference, September 2015, Lincoln UK, p. 1083-1092
Paper i proceeding

Social sustainability as commodity? - investigating private companies contribution to urban restructuring in Sweden

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Copenhagen DK August 2015
Paper i proceeding

Sitting between two chairs. Introducing social sustainability in three large Swedish Contractors

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Proceedings ARCOM conference 2015
Paper i proceeding

Proto institutions in Sustainable Buildings

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
Proceedings International Conference on Sustainable Transition
Paper i proceeding

1. Is this none of the contractor’s business? Social Sustainability Challenges informed by popular literature

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 32 (7-8), p. 749-759
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Convenience renovation and non-transition- contractor SMEs operating in the detached housing market.

Christian Koch, Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Proceedings 5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions,
Paper i proceeding

Diversity management and best practices

Martine Buser

Belt, Braces and more -overlapping emerging proto-institutions in the field of sustainable buildings

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
European Group of Organization Studies, EGOS 2014 Rotterdam
Paper i proceeding

Tales of the Suburbs?-The Social Sustainability Agenda in Sweden through Literary Accounts

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Sustainability. Vol. 6 (2), p. 913-934
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Is anybody home? The role of company websites for small building contractors in Sweden

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 1 September 2014 through 3 September 2014, p. 977-986
Paper i proceeding

The deflation of a management concept soufflé? – the emergence of new consultancy roles in Danish Public Private Partnerships

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
28th Egos Colloquium, Montreal, Sub-theme 33 Management occupations: Exploring boundaries and knowledge flows
Paper i proceeding

Swedish poverty – An oxymoron? Taking issue with social sustainability in urban renewal

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Proceedings of ARCOM - 29th Annual Conference, Reading, UK, 2-4 September 2013, p. 1295-1305
Paper i proceeding

Engineering Students as Innovation Facilitators for Enterprises

Martine Buser
International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 29 (5), p. 1080-1087
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Multiple institutions of diversity practices at Scandinavian building contractors

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF) Iceland, August 2013, track 19: Pactices of diversity and gender equality
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Time travellers: managers on the building site

Martine Buser
CIB World Building Congress, Construction and Society, Brisbane, 5-9 May 2013
Paper i proceeding

Taking issue with social sustainability in Urban Transition

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, p. 665-682
Paper i proceeding

Women at top level management at Contractors in Denmark and Norway

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Smith S. (2012): Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM).. Vol. 1, p. 262-272
Paper i proceeding

The life and death of a sustainable housing concept? The trajectory of passive houses in Denmark as part of the zero carbon transition

Christian Koch, Martine Buser, Roine Leiringer
Proceedings CIB conference Management of Construction: Research to Practice (26 – 29 June 2012), Montreal, p. 13-
Paper i proceeding

Eyes Wide Shut? Non Referring, Loyalty and Practical Moral in Engineering Education

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
2012, p. 253-267
Kapitel i bok

Multiple dynamics of sustainable housing concepts in Denmark – on the role of passive houses

Christian Koch, Martine Buser
International Conference on Sustainable Transitions, IST 2012, Track E Theory Development and Critical Perspectives (Volume E), p. 283-307
Paper i proceeding

Eyes Wide Shut? Loyality and Practical Morality in Engineering Education

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Engineering, Development and Philosophy, p. 253-269
Kapitel i bok

Multiple institutional dynamics of sustainable housing concepts in Denmark – on the role of passive houses

Martine Buser, Christian Koch
Sociology Study. Vol. 2 (10), p. 17-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Diversity Management through board representation in construction

Martine Buser, Christian Koch, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of Construction: Research to Practice, 26-29 June 2012, Montreal, Canada
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt


Sustainability managers in the building sector: doing and undoing gender

Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign
Anna Grzelec Science, Technology and Society
Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB)


From Classroom to Industry: A Decade of MPDCPM Alumni in Design and Construction Project Management

Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign
Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB)


Anpassning av flerbostadshus till extreme övervärme

Despoina Teli Installationsteknik
Paula Femenias Byggnadsdesign
Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign
Marli Swanepoel Byggnadsdesign
Joel André Slunitschek Installationsteknik
Kaj Granath Byggnadsdesign


Effekter, åtgärder och lösningar för resilienta bostadsbyggnader i extrem värme

Despoina Teli Installationsteknik
Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign
Paula Femenias Byggnadsdesign
Joel André Slunitschek Installationsteknik
Marli Swanepoel Byggnadsdesign
Kaj Granath Byggnadsdesign


Circularity and business models

Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign
Rickard Andersson Byggnadsdesign
Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB)


RECIPE Cirkulær økonomi og markedsskabelse

Martine Buser Byggnadsdesign


Följa avfallet: överbrygga gapet mellan bygg och rivningsavfall praxis och riktlinjer

Petra Bosch Construction Management
Rickard Andersson Construction Management
Martine Buser Construction Management

2 publikationer finns

CONSTRUCTIVATE Öka återvinning av Bygg och Rivningsavfall

Martine Buser Construction Management
Ulf Jäglid Oorganisk miljökemi
Petra Bosch Construction Management
Mistra Urban Futures

4 publikationer finns

From Sustainable Refurbishment to Sustainable Facility Management

Martine Buser Construction Management
Nordic Innovation

Det kan finnas fler projekt där Martine Buser medverkar, men du måste vara inloggad som anställd på Chalmers för att kunna se dem.