Gunilla Clancy

Innovationsrådgivare vid Extern samverkan, forsknings- och innovationsstöd

Gunilla Clancy är innovationsrådgivare på Chalmers innovationskontor

Hon har extra fokus på institutionerna Arkitektur- och samhällsbyggnadsteknik; Vetenskapens kommunikation och lärande; Rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Teknikens miljö och organisation samt styrkeområdet Material.

Hållbar utveckling i tidiga utvecklingsstadier är Gunillas främsta kompetensområde. Innan hon tillträdde sin tjänst drev hon sitt eget varumärke Capture Sustainability. Hon är sedan 2020 nämndeman i Förvaltningsrätten.

Gunilla har en magistersexamen i kemi från Göteborgs universitet och en doktorsexamen i hållbar utveckling från Chalmers tekniska högskola. Titeln på hennes avhandling är "‘Assessing sustainability and guiding development towards more sustainable products". Hon är även certifierad styrelseledamot från StyrelseAkademien.

2019-2022 var Gunilla ledamot i Kretslopp- och Vattennämnden i Göteborgs Stad. Under 3 år var hon bedömare för Vinnova finansiering till Innovative Startups steg 1 och 2. Dessutom har Gunilla bland annat arbetat som miljöspecialist i produktutveckling på IKEA of Sweden i Älmhult.

Image of Gunilla Clancy

Visar 23 publikationer


Naturalizing sustainability in product development: A comparative analysis of IKEA and SCA

Sverker Alänge, Gunilla Clancy, Magnus Marmgren
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 135, p. 1009-1022
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Ecolabels as drivers of clothing design

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Gregory Peters
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 99, p. 345-353
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Making the most of LCA in technical inter-organisational R&D projects

Gustav A Sandin, Gunilla Clancy, Sara Heimersson et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 70, p. 97-104
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Changing from petroleum to wood-based materials: critical review of how product sustainability characteristics can be assessed and compared

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 39, p. 372-385

Management Systems’ Influence on Sustainable Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Large MNCs

Magnus Marmgren, Gunilla Clancy, Sverker Alänge
18th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation, Epsom, UK, 4th – 5th November 2013
Paper i proceeding

Insights from guiding material development towards more sustainable products

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
International Journal of Sustainable Design. Vol. 2 (2), p. 149-166
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Actionable knowledge to develop more sustainable products

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström et al
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Göteborg, 25-28 August
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Clarifying the role of life cycle assessment in technical research and development projects: Recommendations for project planning.

Gustav A Sandin, Gunilla Clancy, Sara Heimersson et al
SETAC 18th LCA Case Study Symposium (oral presentation and abstract book)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

To develop material for more sustainable products: Learning for action

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Science and Technology Day 2012, Poster Exhibition at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology and the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden, March 27th 2012 (D16)
Poster (konferens)

Approach to establish relevant sustainability assessment parameters in product development

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Poster presentation at the 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 'Science, Systems and Sustainablity' 7-10 June 2011, Berkeley, California
Poster (konferens)

Consequences for wood resource use for incontinence diapers in Europe 2010 to 2050

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Annual Poster Exhibition at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, April 12th 2011, Göteborg, Sweden, A7
Poster (konferens)

Approach to establish relevant sustainability assessment parameters in product development

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Poster presentation at the Second Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals, 11 June 2011, Berkeley, California,
Poster (konferens)

The ageing society – an example of consequences for biomass use for incontinence diapers in Europe

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Poster presentation at the AGS annual meeting 'Sustainability and change', 23-25 January 2011, Göteborg, Sweden
Poster (konferens)

Assessing sustainability already in product development

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Poster presentation at The Adlerbert Research Foundation Jubilee Conference, 22 November 2011, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 1-
Poster (konferens)

The ageing society – an example of consequences for biomass use

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Oral presentation at the10th ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting 'MFA for Sustainable Future' 7-9 November 2010, Tokyo, Japan
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Case IKEA: A small percentage with big impact

Gunilla Clancy
Sustainable Business Development: An anthology about realizing ideas - beta version Sverker Alänge and Mats Lundqvist (eds.), p. 172-176
Kapitel i bok

Environmental challenges when developing renewable materials to replace non-renewable materials - receiving guidance from LCA studies

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Gregory Peters et al
Oral presentation at the 9th International Conference on EcoBalance 2010 'Towards & Beyond 2020' 9-12 November,Tokyo, Japan
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Replacement of non-renewable materials by renewable materials in a diaper - how to assess the change in sustainability performance

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström
Annual Poster Exhibition at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Mars 18th 2010, Göteborg, Sweden (32), p. 44-
Poster (konferens)

Sustainability considerations in the development of materials intended for an absorbent hygiene product

Gunilla Clancy, Magdalena Svanström, Morgan Fröling
Annual Poster Exhibition at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Mars 12th 2009, Göteborg, Sweden
Poster (konferens)

Comparing the sustainability of using a non-renewable oil based material in an absorbent hygiene product with that of using a renewable wood based material

Gunilla Clancy, Magdalena Svanström, Morgan Fröling et al
Poster presentation at the Eforwood conference 'Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you', 23-24 September 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, p. 2-3
Poster (konferens)

Sustainability considerations in early phases of product development – the wood-based diaper

Gunilla Clancy, Magdalena Svanström, Morgan Fröling et al
Oral presentation at SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting May 31th to June 4th 2009, Göteborg, Sweden
Övrigt konferensbidrag

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