Ricardo Diniz Caldas
Visar 15 publikationer
Different approaches for testing body sensor network applications
Meta-Adaptation Goals: Leveraging Feedback Loop Requirements for Effective Self-Adaptation
A Driver-Vehicle Model for ADS Scenario-Based Testing
EzSkiROS: Enhancing Robot Skill Composition with Embedded DSL for Early Error Detection
Runtime Verification and Field-based Testing for ROS-based Robotic Systems
Explainability for Property Violations in Cyber-Physical Systems: An Immune-Inspired Approach
From Chance to Choice: Strategies to Attaining Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems
EzSkiROS: A Case Study on Embedded Robotics DSLs to Catch Bugs Early
An architecture for mission coordination of heterogeneous robots
Engineering Software for Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
Body Sensor Network: A Self-Adaptive System Exemplar in the Healthcare Domain
RoboMAX: Robotic Mission Adaptation eXemplars
Towards Mapping Control Theory and Software Engineering Properties using Specification Patterns
A hybrid approach combining control theory and AI for engineering self-adaptive systems
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