From Chance to Choice: Strategies to Attaining Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems
Doktorsavhandling, 2024

Background: Autonomy is a key attribute of cyber-physical systems engineered to achieve human-machine coexistence and collaboration toward human-centered goals. To be trusted, autonomous systems must operate resiliently, yet designing and verifying resilient behavior remains an open challenge. Resilient cyber-physical systems should avoid, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adversities arising from computational, network, or environmental disruptions. Wearable biosensors are a prime example of cyber-physical systems that must operate resiliently. Such a healthcare monitoring system could fail during a network outage or erroneous sensor data, endangering lives. A resilient healthcare monitoring system, with redundant paths and adaptive capacity, ensures continuous monitoring and timely alerts despite disruptions.

Objective:This thesis aims to equip developers and quality assurance teams with strategies for attaining resilience in cyber-physical systems, ensuring that resilience is engineered rather than attained by coincidence. Attaining resilience in cyber-physical systems entails justified adaptation to overcome unknown stimuli, ever-changing objectives, and deprecated components. Software as a tool for self-management is crucial for dealing with uncertainty. Achieving resilience is challenging since unexpected effects may emerge during execution, requiring runtime decision-making rather than design time.

Method: The strategies are rooted in publications in software engineering, self-managed and adaptive systems, robotics, and transportation. They encompass quantitative and qualitative research that follows a design science research methodology.

Results: The thesis introduces seven strategies for attaining resilience, including:
(i) best practices for runtime assessment,
(ii) tools to manage interactions among diverse and smart agents,
(iii) methods for uncertainty mitigation at the code level, runtime adaptation, and explanation of property violations, and
(iv) exemplars that serve as models to advance resilience research.
Our results demonstrate that resilience is achieved through systematic design and runtime decision-making, ensuring that systems consistently meet operational goals.

This study advocates for resilience as a strategic goal, highlighting its importance as a foundational discipline within software engineering for cyber-physical systems. The findings benefit both researchers and practitioners, emphasizing resilience engineering as essential for the future of autonomous systems.

Resilience Attainment


Cyber-Physical Systems


Software Engineering


Omega Room, Jupiter Building, Lindholmen Campus
Opponent: Prof. Dr. Raffaela Mirandola, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany


Ricardo Diniz Caldas

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Runtime Verification and Field-based Testing for ROS-based Robotic Systems

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,;Vol. 50(2024)p. 2544-2567

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Resilience is a core principle in engineering software for human-centric computing systems. Especially as we rely more and more on complex and dynamic cyber-physical systems in areas like robotics, transportation, and healthcare. Attaining resilience means responding effectively to short-term disruptions and planning for long-term operation. While current software engineering practices often focus on immediate efficiency, this approach can leave systems vulnerable to unforeseen challenges. Moving beyond incidental resilience requires a shift towards strategic development.

This thesis introduces strategies for systematically developing resilience in cyber-physical systems. We propose seven core strategies that include runtime assessment, harnessing the diversity and intelligence of agents, and managing uncertainty through intentional early bug-catching, adaptation, and automated explanation. Additionally, we provide exemplars that serve as models for resilience, offering practical insights into how resilient behaviors can be engineered and sustained. These strategies draw from extensive research in software engineering, adaptive systems, and robotics, blending both quantitative and qualitative methods in a design science framework.

The outcomes of this thesis advance the science and engineering of resilient system design, contributing knowledge and practices that address significant technical challenges in cyber-physical systems. More broadly, they support societal goals by enhancing the credibility of software technologies we increasingly rely on, from healthcare to autonomous vehicles and robotics, ensuring that they can withstand and adapt to the demands of a complex, ever-changing world.


Informations- och kommunikationsteknik


Hållbar utveckling

Innovation och entreprenörskap

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Datavetenskap (datalogi)



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5591



Omega Room, Jupiter Building, Lindholmen Campus

Opponent: Prof. Dr. Raffaela Mirandola, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

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