Duncan Sutherland
Visar 21 publikationer
Plasmon Hybridization in Stacked Double Gold Nanorings with Reduced Symmetry
Influence of Nanotopography on Phospholipid Bilayer Formation on Silicon Dioxide
Downscaling optical biosensing system
Enhanced nanoplasmonic optical sensors with reduced substrate effect
Metal-Enhanced 1270 nm Singlet Oxygen Phosphorescence
Patterning colloidal monolayer films using microcontact particle stripping
Hole-Mask Colloidal Lithography
Plasmonic Sensing Characteristics o f Single Nanometric Holes
Localized surface plasmon sensing of lipid-membrane-mediated biorecognition events
Light scattering in gold nanorings
Changes in fibroblast morphology in response to nano-columns produced by colloidal lithography
Nanoscale Chemical Patterns Fabricated by Using Colloidal Lithography and Self-Assembled Monolayers
Optical Spectroscopy of Nanometric Holes in Thin Gold Films
Protein adsorption on model surfaces with controlled nanotopography and chemistry
Functional surfaces for biorecognition and sensing
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