Darko Durisic
Visar 22 publikationer
Comparing Programming Language Models for Design Pattern Recognition
Exploring Image Similarity-Based Splitting Techniques in Automotive Perception Systems
Impact of Image Data Splitting on the Performance of Automotive Perception Systems
Comparing Word-Based and AST-Based Models for Design Pattern Recognition
Comparing autoencoder-based approaches for anomaly detection in highway driving scenario images
Assessing the Impact of Meta-Model Evolution - A Measure and Its Automotive Application
Measuring the Evolution of Meta-Models - A Case Study of Modelica and UML Meta-Models
Should We Adopt a New Version of a Standard? - A Method and its Evaluation on AUTOSAR
ARCA - Automated Analysis of AUTOSAR Meta-Model Changes
Addressing the Need for Strict Meta-Modeling in Practice - A Case Study of AUTOSAR
Evolution of Long-Term Industrial Meta-Models – A Case Study
Quantifying long-term evolution of industrial meta-models - A case study
Evolution of long-term industrial meta-models-an automotive case study of AUTOSAR
Measuring Size of Changes in Automotive Software Systems and their Impact on Product Quality
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Arkitektonisk design och verifiering/validering av system med maskininlärning komponenter