Johan Löfhede
Visar 18 publikationer
Does indomethacin for closure of patent ductus arteriosus affect cerebral function?
Soft Textile Electrodes for EEG Monitoring
Automatic classification of background EEG activity in healthy and sick neonates
The EEG of the Neonatal Brain – Classification of Background Activity
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
Comparing a Supervised and an Unsupervised Classification Method for Burst Detection in Neonatal EEG
Classification of Burst Suppression and Tracé Alternant in Neonatal EEG
Classification of burst and suppression in the neonatal electroencephalogram
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
Detection of Bursts in the EEG of Post Asphyctic Newborns
Detektion av burst-aktivitet i Burst-Suppression - EEG hos nyfödda barn efter asfyxi
Detection of Bursts in the EEG of Post Asphyctic Newborns
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