Elena Pagnin
Elena Pagnin’s PhD focuses on data authentication in constrained settings.
She has been working on biometric authentication, distance-bounding protocols and attribute-based encryption.
Her research directions also include (multi-key) homomorphic encryption, signature schemes and verifiable computations.
More detailed info and a complete CV are available at

Visar 22 publikationer
Updatable Privacy-Preserving Blueprints
Progressive and efficient verification for digital signatures: extensions and experimental results
Metadata Privacy Beyond Tunneling for Instant Messaging
CaSCaDE: (Time-Based) Cryptography from Space Communications DElay
PAPR: Publicly Auditable Privacy Revocation for Anonymous Credentials
Outsourcing MPC Precomputation for Location Privacy
Where are you bob? privacy-preserving proximity testing with a napping party
Multi-key homomorphic authenticators
Anonymous Single-Round Server-Aided Verification
Matrioska: A Compiler for Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures
Revisiting Yasuda et al.’s Biometric Authentication Protocol: Are you Private Enough?
Be More and be Merry: Enhancing Data and User Authentication in Collaborative Settings
HB+DB: Distance bounding meets human based authentication
Two-Hop Distance-Bounding Protocols: Keep Your Friends Close
HIKE: Walking the Privacy Trail
Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication: Challenges and Directions
Multi-Key Homomorphic Authenticators
HB+DB: Mitigating Man-in-the-Middle Attacks against HB+ with Distance Bounding.
Using Distance-Bounding Protocols to Securely Verify the Proximity of Two-Hop Neighbours
On the Leakage of Information in Biometric Authentication
Attacks on Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Mot en säkerhetsvision för flera lager för transportsystem i 6G-eran
Gradvis kryptografiska verifierings mekanismer