Mendel Kleiner
Visar 35 publikationer
Emoacoustics: A study of the psychoacoustical and psychological dimensions of emotional sound design
Influence of a wearer's voice on noise dosimeter measurements
Haptic sensation in organ playing
When Room Size Matters: Acoustic Influences on Emotional Responses to Sounds
Emoacoustics: a study on the physical and psychological dimensions of sound design
Auditory Landmarks Enhance Circular Vection in Multimodal Virtual Reality
Influence of a Wearer’s Voice on Noise Dosimeter Measurements
Modulation and demodulation of steerable ultrasound beams for audio transmission and rendering
Acoustics of Voice and Music in Jewish Worship Spaces
Handheld Experiences:Using Audio To Enhance the Illusion of Self-Motion
Binaural bone-conducted sound in virtual environments
Sound representing self-motion in virtual environments enhances linear vection
When what you see is what you hear: Auditory-visual integration and presence in virtual environments
Vibrotactile enhancement of auditory induced self-motion and spatial presence
Sound quality aspects of small computer fans
Components in evaluation of complex interior truck sounds
Method to investigate recognition of computer fan sound in a
Spatial sound in auditory vision substitution systems
Travelling without moving: Auditory scene cues for translational self-motion
Perceived sound character and objective properties of powertrain noise in car compartments
Preference for current mood, anticipated emotional reaction, and experienced emotional reaction
Emotion and the auditory virtual environment: Affect-based judgment of virtual reverberation times
The actor-observer effect in virtual reality presentations
Noise Quality of a Flue Organ Pipe Sound
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