Mladen Gibanica
Visar 21 publikationer
Data-driven modal surrogate model for frequency response uncertainty propagation
Identification of physically realistic state-space models for accurate component synthesis
Identification and synthesis of components for uncertainty propagation
Model updating of multiple nominally identical car components
Component mode synthesis interface reduction and modal truncation augmentation using coarse meshes
State-Space Dynamic Substructuring with the Transmission Simulator Method
Multifidelity component interface reduction and modal truncation augmentation
Residual States for Modal Models Identified from Accelerance Data
Physically motivated rank constraint on direct throughput of state-space models
Improving Linear State-Space Models with Additional Iterations
Experimental-analytical state-space synthesis of passenger car components
Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification of a Subframe with Mass Loaded Bushings
A reduced interface component mode synthesis method using coarse meshes
Redundant Information Rejection in Sensor Localisation Using System Gramians
Calibration, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Nominally Identical Car Subframes
Experimental-Analytical Dynamic Substructuring of Ampair Testbed: A State-Space Approach
Spread in Modal Data Obtained From Wind Turbine Blade Testing
Experimental-Analytical Dynamic Substructuring
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