Guillermo Toriz Gonzalez
Visar 36 publikationer
Materials from trees assembled by 3D printing – Wood tissue beyond nature limits
Regular Motifs in Xylan Modulate Molecular Flexibility and Interactions with Cellulose Surfaces
Biomimetic Inks Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils and Cross-Linkable Xylans for 3D Printing
Role of (1,3)(1,4)-beta-Glucan in Cell Walls: Interaction with Cellulose
In situ forming spruce xylan-based hydrogel for cell immobilization
Hemicelluloses from Norway spruce: Isolation, characterization, and materials properties
In situ injectable hydrogels based on spruce xylans for drug and cell delivery
Mechanical evaluation of regenerated cellulose and hemicellulose blend films from ionic liquid
Nanoparticles based on linear xylans and their assembly onto cellulose surfaces
Isolation, purification, and modification of corncob arabinoxylan for new materials
Corncob arabinoxylan for new materials
Ionic liquid systems for fast and efficient acetylation of xylans
Xylans from tequila agave bagasse: Isolation and characterization
Assembly of Debranched Xylan from Solution and on Nanocellulosic Surfaces
Moisture induced plasticity of amorphous cellulose films from ionic liquid
Fast and highly efficient acetylation of xylans in ionic liquid systems
Carbon Nanofibers Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose for Advanced Materials Applications
Flexible oxygen barrier films from spruce xylan
Strain Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Cellulose
Nanofibrous Carbon Materials with Controlled Properties Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose
Bacterial Nanocellulose-Reinforced Arabinoxylan Films MELL TE, 1964, V19, P247
Highly hydrophobic surfaces prepared by atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharges
Cellulose fiber reinforced cellulose esters: biocomposite for the future
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