Henrik Molker

Visar 15 publikationer


Industrial framework for identification and verification of hot-spots in automotive composite structures

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Leif Asp
SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing. Vol. 12 (2), p. 17-120
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Verification of hot-spot in complex composite structures using detailed FEA

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Leif Asp
ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Paper i proceeding

Hot spot Analysis in complex composite material structures

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Silvestre Pinho et al
Composite Structures. Vol. 207, p. 776-786
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Framework for durability analysis of composite structures in the automotive industry

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Leif Asp
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. Vol. 2019-August, p. 1712-1723
Paper i proceeding

Efficient screening of composite structures using the extended 2D FEM approach in Meta together with a state of the art failure initiation criterion

Henrik Molker, Annika Lundberg, Renaud Gutkin
Proceeding of the 8 Before Reality Conference
Paper i proceeding


Johannes Främby, Martin Fagerström, Henrik Molker
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Verification of hot-spot in complex composite structures using detailed FEA

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Leif Asp
Poster (konferens)

Hot Spot Analysis of Composite Structures with Orthotropic Properties

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Silvestre Pinho et al
Nafems WC 2017
Paper i proceeding

Implementation of failure criteria for transverse failure of orthotropic Non-Crimp Fabric composite materials

Henrik Molker, R. Gutkin, Leif Asp
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. Vol. 92, p. 158-166
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Identifying failure initiation in automotive structures made of NCF reinforced composites for hot spot analysis

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Silvestre Pinho et al
Procedings of 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM17
Paper i proceeding

Orthotropic criteria for transverse failure of non-crimp fabric-reinforced composites

Henrik Molker, Dennis Wilhelmsson, Renaud Gutkin et al
Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 50 (18), p. 2445-2458

Implementation of failure criteria for orthotropic non crimp fabric composite structures

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Leif Asp
COMPOSITES 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites; Bristol; 7th-9th of September 2015
Paper i proceeding

Efficient sizing methods for composites primary structures in automotive applications

Henrik Molker, Renaud Gutkin, Magnus Oldenbo et al
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014; Seville; Spain; 22 June 2014 through 26 June 2014
Paper i proceeding

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